ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat



International mobility: The ENSAE ENSAI Foundation launches its scholarship program

The international mobility of engineering students is becoming increasingly important in the courses offered by Genes schools. This development is based on the strategic lines of its Contract of Objectives and Performance and on the rules established by...
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IP Paris is the most international university in France and 34th in the world – THE

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris has made a considerable progress in the “Most International Universities in the World” 2023 ranking of the Times Higher Education (THE), moving up from 43rd to 34th ahead of MIT and Harvard. It is the only French...
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ENSAE Paris: in the Top of the best engineering schools in France in the Challenges 2023 ranking

ENSAE Paris is among the 12 best post-prep engineering schools according to Challenges, which unveiled the 2023 rating of diplomas in its special issue of December 8, 2022. Among the top 12 are two other schools from the Paris Polytechnic Institute: École...
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Webinar : MSc&T Data and Economics for Public Policy

ENSAE Paris and École polytechnique launch a new joint programme, in co-operation with Telecom Paris: the Master of Sciences & Technology "Data and Economics for Public Policy". Pierre Boyer and Franck Melherbet, Program Diectors, will present to you the program, the outlets and the prerequisites needed to apply during the webinar.
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IP Paris in the top 80 most powerful universities in the world

In just one year, the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) gained almost 55 seats and enters the Top 80 worldwide (from 126-150 in 2021 to 71-80 in 2022) of the Times Higher Education World Reputation Rankings 2022.
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ENSAE Paris students return to their preparatory classes

This fall, French preparatory students could meet with the ENSAE Paris students to obtain information on how to best prepare for their written and oral exams, as well as to learn more about the school's courses, training programs and student life.
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DGFiP Hackathon 2022

(This news is not translated into English) Vous êtes passionnés par les crypto-monnaies et les sujets d'intérêt général vous importent ? Participez au prochain hackathon organisé par la direction générale des Finances publiques (DGFiP), le Département d'Économie de l'École polytechnique, l'ENSAE Paris et la Chaire Blockchain@Polytechnique sur le thème de la lutte contre la fraude fiscale sur les activités crypto.
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