Institute of Public Policies

The Institute for Public Policy (IPP) was created by PSE and is developed in the framework of a scientific partnership between PSE and the Groupe des écoles nationales d'économie et de statistique (GENES). The IPP aims to promote the quantitative analysis and evaluation of public policies using the most recent methods in economics research.
Researchers affiliated with the IPP include researchers from the Paris School of Economics and CREST, researchers from other research institutions, and a permanent team dedicated to the IPP. Their work covers a wide range of public policies: taxation, social policies, employment policies, education, health, pensions, housing, spatial planning, democracy and institutions, and sectoral policies.
The work conducted by the IPP aims to develop scientific research in the field of public policy and to promote the appropriation by citizens of the terms of public debate. To this end, the IPP conducts numerous projects and publishes its work and results not only in a classic academic format, but also in formats better adapted to a wider audience (notes and reports). In addition, the IPP develops online tools that allow the greatest number of people to familiarize themselves with public policy issues, notably the IPP Scales.
Since 2012, the IPP has received financial support from the French government through a grant managed by the Agence nationale de la recherche under the Investissement d'avenir program (current reference: ANR-17-EURE-0001).