ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat


The international policy of ENSAE Paris integrates two key challenges that lead to the encouragement of mobility on a European scale: to contribute to the construction of Europe through the mobility of students, teachers and staff, and to develop students' international exposure while limiting the mobility carbon footprint.

Europe is therefore at the heart of the international strategy of ENSAE Paris. The School has the Erasmus+ charter (2021-2027) allowing it to participate in the program and to obtain funding for different types of projects in order to implement its Erasmus+ strategy. The Erasmus+ program provides financial support for student (internship and/or study) and staff mobility, and provides specific resources for participants with fewer opportunities as well as for supporting green mobility.

Priorities of the Erasmus+ Program:

  • Inclusion and diversity
  • Digital transformation
  • Environment and fight against climate change
  • Participation in democratic life, shared values and civic engagement

ENSAE students can benefit from the support of the Erasmus+ program for academic exchanges of one or two semesters (mobility for engineering cycle credits) in European partner universities as well as for internships abroad of at least 2 months (within the limits of the funding available through the program).

ENSAE Paris ERAMUS+ Information


OID : E10087570    

Subject Area: Mathematics, Statistics, Economics

Contact: international[at]ensae.fr

ENSAE Paris Erasmus+ Factsheet