Webinar : MSc&T Data and Economics for Public Policy
15 Dec. 2022 - 15 Dec. 2022
ENSAE Paris and École polytechnique launch a new joint programme, in co-operation with Telecom Paris: the Master of Sciences & Technology "Data and Economics for Public Policy".
Pierre Boyer and Franck Melherbet, Program Diectors, will present to you the program, the outlets and the prerequisites needed to apply during the webinar.

The MSc&T "Data and Economics for Public Policy" is a 2-year Master's program offering students (already holding a Bachelor's degree in mathematics and/or economics) a combination of strong technical skills and in-depth knowledge of economics and quantitative sociology to reform and improve public policy. At a time of heightened concern about economic development, labor, poverty, social equity, education, health and the environment, this MSc&T program gives students the tools to develop effective, evidence-based solutions, with a focus on the quantitative methods in the framing, analysis, and resolution of public policy problems.
This program is entirely taught in English.
For further information
- Master of Sciences & Technology "Data and Economics for Public Policy"'s page to discover the academic prerequisites and the job opportunities
- Course content
- Program webpage and application
- Thursday December 15th - 12:30PM (CET), on Zoom
- Register