Journée des Métiers 2023 with the Minister Roland Lescure (ENSAE 1992)

On Thursday, February 16, the Journée des Métiers, the flagship career event in the ENSAE Paris school calendar, was held. This 2023 edition was particularly marked by the presence of Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate for Industry and ENSAE Alumni 1992, who honored us by accepting the invitation of Isabelle Tournassoud, President of the ENSAE Alumni Association.
After an introduction by Catherine Gaudy, Director General of GENES, the Minister opened the event with a short speech sharing his vision and encouraging future data scientists to participate in the ecological transition and decarbonization of industry. A series of questions and answers with the students followed, to answer their questions about public policy but also to look back on his career and memories as a graduate of the School.
Some twenty ENSAE Alumni then spoke about their career paths and the challenges of their respective sectors and professions during various round tables related to the School's specialization paths. Many thanks to all the alumni present and to the students of the ENSAE Forum association for the organization of this great event!
L’ENSAE Paris ouvre des portes dans l’industrie qui a besoin de gens rigoureux qui savent manier les données. Cette capacité à allier les mathématiques et l’économie est un atout indéniable sur le marché du travail.

2023 Event program
09h30 : Introductory conference
- Roland LESCURE, Ministre délégué chargé de l'industrie
10h00 : Data Science, Statistics and Learning / Data Science and Business Decision
- Julien GROUT, Head of P&C Data strategy (SCOR)
- Benoît BELLONE, Head of research (QuantCube)
- Denis COUTROT, Chief data officer (Gentlink)
- Alexandre JUNIUS, Data scientist spécialisé en sécurité et défense (ANSSI)
- Sophie MAILLARD, Responsable du pôle Science des données (Inspection générale des finances - IGF)
11h30 : Finance, Risks and Data
- Naima ASMANE BOUDALI, Senior policy officer (Commission Européenne)
- Nicolas FOURT, Directeur général délégué (Sienna Private Credit)
- Laura TINSI, Associate quant (Morgan Stanley)
- Franklin WERNERT, Directeur général France (Société Générale Private Banking)
14h00 : Actuarial Science
- Gaelle BAETZ, Head of actuarial M&A (BNP Paribas Cardif)
- Christel BONNET, Partner et Client manager (Mercer)
- Laure OLIE, Directrice des risques (APICIL)
- Guillaume GORGE, Ancien directeur de la stratégie réassurance (AXA)
- Philippe FRANCOIS, Head of life & health reinsurance business development (AXA)
15h30 : Economic Policies and Dynamics / Data Science and Social Sciences
- Simon DUBECQ, Head of section, Financial Risk Inspections (Banque centrale européenne - BCE)
- Frédéric GAGEY, Ex Chief Financial Officer (Air France KLM Group)
- Emmanuel JESSUA, Conseiller référendaire (Cour des comptes)
- Thomas MERLY-ALPA, Chef du service des sondages (INED)
- Jérôme TRINH, Economiste (Direction générale du travail - DGT)