Research policy
ENSAE benefits from a first-rate research environment. It shares its premises with the Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST), to which ENSAE is historically attached. More broadly, it is part of the scientific framework of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and the Plateau de Saclay. The joint scientific project of ENSAE and CREST in this environment is characterized by research at the highest European level in their fields of excellence (statistics and data science, economics, sociology, finance and insurance), and by their culture of interdisciplinarity based on the modeling approach and the constant back-and-forth between theories and data.
The academic recognition of ENSAE Paris is based on the influence of its Center for Research in Economics and Statistics, the CREST (a joint research unit with the CNRS and the École Polytechnique). The scientific field of ENSAE and CREST covers both social sciences (economics and sociology) and applied mathematics (statistics and machine learning, econometrics, finance, actuarial sciences).
The research policy of ENSAE (within GENES) and CREST aims to
- Contribute to the production of knowledge through sustained scientific activity at the highest international level in our disciplines of excellence (mathematical statistics and machine learning, economics, quantitative sociology, quantitative finance, actuarial sciences) and at their interfaces (econometrics, modeling, evaluation methods).
- Disseminate the institution's scientific culture and expertise through doctoral training. ENSAE and CREST are thus strongly involved in the research master's and doctoral programs of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
- To contribute to the training of ENSAE engineering students to the highest scientific level for companies and public institutions, first as part of the engineering curriculum, and then by enabling engineering students attracted to research to continue their training in doctoral studies.
- Contribute to the public debate, to the elaboration and evaluation of public policies, by mobilizing our expertise in economics and econometrics, notably within the framework of the Institute of Public Policies and the Labex Economics and Decision Sciences.
- Contribute to the advancement of knowledge and training in the rapidly growing field of artificial intelligence and data science. ENSAE Paris and CREST are thus involved in the Hi! Paris center created by the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and HEC Paris, both in the mathematical foundations of AI (statistical learning/machine learning) and in its applications to the economy and society. In the field of data science applied to economic, social and financial issues, ENSAE Paris is also involved in the "Data Science for Economics, Finance and Management" University Research School, an initiative of excellence jointly led by the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and HEC Paris.
- Contribute to the essential challenge of the ecological transition, within the framework of the interdisciplinary E4C (Energy for climate) center created within the Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
- To contribute to the dissemination of the expertise of our teacher-researchers to companies and public institutions through the DataStorm subsidiary.