Polytechnique Insights Review
The Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) has launched Polytechnique Insights, an online journal dedicated to understanding the challenges of research and innovation in the fields of science and technology, and in particular their socio-economic and environmental implications.

This publication dedicated to innovation highlights IP Paris researchers on a wide range of subjects, from fundamental research to its applications.
Polytechnique Insights is free and open access, focusing on issues of general interest and offering two main editorial events:
- A "Dossier" format, which takes an in-depth look at a major contemporary issue and is the subject of three to six articles.
- A "Tribune" format that allows a researcher to shed light on a current topic.
Polytechnique Insights embodies all the excellence, diversity and innovation potential of our research and the entire ecosystem that we have built within the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, supported by our teacher-researchers, our alumni, and our research institutions and partner companies. In addition to being the main vector of notoriety for IP Paris, this journal will contribute to making our country a key player in scientific progress and societal well-being.
Eric Labaye, président de l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris