Doctoral training at ENSAE Paris is organized within two doctoral schools:
- The multidisciplinary doctoral school of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, of which ENSAE is one of the five member schools along with the École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis), co-accredited with HEC Paris.
- The Hadamard Mathematics doctoral school, co-accredited with the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and the Université Paris-Saclay.
These doctoral schools federate a group of research teams, the first within the schools and research units of IP Paris, the second including the schools, universities and research units of the University of Paris-Saclay in mathematics. They offer future doctoral students scientific supervision at the highest international level as well as preparation for professional integration.
The doctoral school of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris
The grouping of the École polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris, Télécom SudParis within the Institut Polytechnique de Paris makes it possible to offer doctoral training of a very high level, reflecting the excellence of the founding schools that have chosen to join forces.
Internationally recognized as a degree of excellence and a marker of a very high level of expertise, the doctorate opens the door to highly qualified jobs in the public and private sectors. In addition to access to the academic world, it opens up major long-term career opportunities, based on the specific skills attained during the doctorate and widely recognized in the socio-economic world for highly qualified jobs.
The IP Paris doctoral school offers a very rich training program, reflecting its founding schools, ranging from fundamental to applied research. It is very open to the international scene, with 45% of its doctoral students coming from abroad, thus demonstrating its attractiveness on a global level.
Through its excellence and ambition, the IP Paris Doctoral School program prepares its students for outstanding scientific careers in both the academic and industrial sectors, in France and abroad.
The IP Paris doctoral school currently welcomes a thousand doctoral students, supervised by more than 800 teacher-researchers (550 of whom are qualified to direct research) in 30 research laboratories.
Two paths are open to obtain the title of doctor from the Institut Polytechnique de Paris:
- The classic three-year doctoral path in many fields. For more information
- The PhD Track in 5 years, for holders of a Bachelor's degree who already wish to go on to a PhD at the end of their Master's degree. For more information
Host laboratories and grants
CREST, which hosts doctoral students in economics, statistics, finance and insurance, and sociology, has some twenty research grants, usually for two years, to help students (graduates of ENSAE Paris, ENSAI, or other French or foreign higher education institutions) prepare a doctoral thesis.