ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

Arcep signs an educational partnership with ENSAE Paris, École Polytechnique and Télécom Paris

18 Sep. 2024
On Wednesday September 18, ENSAE Paris, École Polytechnique and Télécom Paris signed an educational partnership with Arcep to use data to improve public policy.
Arcep signs an educational partnership with ENSAE Paris, École Polytechnique and Télécom Paris

From left to right: Bertrand David (Telecom Paris), Franck Malherbet (ENSAE-CREST), Dominique Rossin (Directeur de l’enseignement et de la recherche de l’École Polytechnique), Laure de La Raudière (Présidente de ARCEP), Catherine Gaudy (Directrice-Générale du GENES), Pierre Boyer (École Polytechnique-CREST), Marc Bourreau (Telecom Paris).

Crédits : VMontigny/GENES

As in many other fields, data is today an essential lever for transforming public action and policies. The analysis and exploitation of data collected and produced within and outside the public administration can help to provide better service to the user, better target the action of institutions or implement more precise and agile management of public policies. 

With this in mind, and with a view to increasing the number of graduates with these skills, ENSAE Paris - a GENES school - Ecole Polytechnique and Telecom Paris, all three members of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris), have joined forces to launch a Master of science and technology (MScT) Data and economics for public policy at the start of the new academic year (2023). 

To reinforce this approach, Arcep, the French regulatory authority for electronic communications, postal services and press distribution, has joined the course until the end of 2026, as a teaching partner, co-producing courses and giving lectures.

Ecole Polytechnique's MSc&T Data and economics for public policy offers a unique 2-year course in France, dedicated to the design and evaluation of public policies. At the interface of data science and economic analysis, this program draws on the expertise of the partner schools in economics, econometrics and data science, as well as their solid experience in training engineers and senior civil servants. 
Students are involved in case-based projects based on public data (policy in action project), benefit from lectures by renowned public policy experts (12 lectures series in public policy) and internships with various partners. 

The program targets a recruitment pool in France and abroad, increasing the number of qualified graduates. The MSc&T program will be gradually scaled up to guarantee the excellence of its teaching. The very first class (2023) consisted of 5 students. In 2024, 8 students - including 6 female students - will enter the program. 

Within this framework, Arcep is committed to taking part in conferences and seminars on specific topics, such as data-based regulation, data collection and dissemination in support of the environmental impact of digital technology, proposing case studies to address telecoms or digital regulation issues, submitting test subjects, distributing internship offers and supporting students. 

Enabling students to develop rare skills in both data science and economics, with the possibility of specializing in sector-specific regulatory issues, is a strong commitment on the part of the Autorité, to enable the emergence of profiles capable of understanding public policy issues in a multidisciplinary approach.

Ce partenariat pédagogique est une première pour l’Arcep, je me réjouis de contribuer à cette formation et partager des cas pratiques de la régulation avec des étudiants. Je leur adresse d’ores et déjà tous mes vœux de réussite dans ce Master ! Le regard de ces futurs experts sur la régulation, la conjugaison de leurs compétences économiques et en sciences de la donnée, seront sans nul doute particulièrement précieux pour l’Arcep. 

Laure de la Raudière, Présidente de l’Arcep

À l’heure où les autorités de régulation sont de plus en plus éclairées par les données, nous sommes très heureux de ce partenariat avec l’Arcep qui constitue une chance pour les étudiants et une reconnaissance de la qualité de cette formation et de notre option "Sectoral Policies".

Pierre Boyer et Franck Malherbet, codirecteurs du programme et respectivement professeur à l'École polytechnique et professeur à l'ENSAE Paris