ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat



Hackathon 2023: AI and Data Science in the service of responsible innovation

La quatrième édition du Hi!ckathon, hackathon croisant la science des données et l’entrepreneuriat, organisé par le centre interdisciplinaire Hi! PARIS, a réuni 407 élèves venus de quinze écoles et universités et de sept pays différents, répartis dans 41 équipes interécoles.
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Financi'Elles think tank 15/11: Women who have chosen a career in banking, finance and insurance

ENSAE Paris will host a think tank entitled "Why choose a career in banking, finance and insurance?" organized by Financi'Elles, the leading federation of networks promoting gender diversity within the financial sector, with the support of ENSAE Alumni, Femmes Ingénieures and the French Banking Federation. Register now to take part in a discussion with a number of female professionals.
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Forum Trium's 32nd edition

The 2023 Forum Trium took place on October 18th at the Parc Floral of Paris. The Forum was organized by students from ENSAE Paris, ENSTA Paris, Ponts Paristech and Mines Paristech.
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