ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

IP Paris represented in the final of the EuroTeQaThon by the ENSAE Paris team!

20 Jun. 2024
Winner of 2nd place during the GreenerBuilding hackathon organized by the Energy4Climate interdisciplinary Center (E4C), the A* team composed of four 1A engineering students from ENSAE Paris wore the colors of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris during the EuroTeQaThon final!
IP Paris represented in the final of the EuroTeQaThon by the ENSAE Paris team!

The Energy4Climate Interdisciplinary Center (E4C) is involved in the energy transition, through research, training and innovation. In order to give students the opportunity to apply their knowledge into practice and work in teams to develop proposals that respond to one of the greatest challenges of our time, the fight against climate change, the E4C Interdisciplinary Center organizes each year a hackathon.

The 2024 edition, under the name Greener Building, brought together 81 participants divided into 24 teams around the challenge to find innovative solutions to help reduce the carbon footprint of buildings, with a particular focus on the energy consumption of DrahiX.

Team A*, made up of Arnaud Barrat, Johanne Bohn, Camille Frouard and Rémy Siahaan-Gensollen, rose to the challenge remarkably well, taking 2nd place in the competition with their Energonomia project! In addition to the €2,000.00 prize, the four first-year engineering students from ENSAE Paris have been invited to represent the Institut Polytechnique de Paris at the international final of the EuroTeQaThon.

D'abord, nous avons élaboré un modèle statistique pour prédire la consommation énergétique du Drahi X-Novation Center. Ensuite, nous avons exploré des solutions pour réduire les émissions de CO2 du bâtiment tout en préservant le bien-être des occupants, que nous avons regroupées dans un rapport évaluant leur impact en termes de réduction des émissions, leur praticabilité et leur acceptabilité par les utilisateurs du centre. Cette expérience fut extrêmement enrichissante, à la fois sur le plan technique et humain !

Rémy Siahaan-Gensollen, membre de l'équipe A* à propos du challenge E4C

Three representatives of the A* team with Philippe Drobinski, Founding Director of E4C - Photo credits: E4C
Three representatives of the A* team with Philippe Drobinski, Founding Director of E4C - Photo credits: E4C

The EuroTeQaThon international competition was held from 8 to 10 June 2024 at the École polytechnique and brought together teams of students from universities and institutions that are members of EuroTeQ Engineering University: HEC Paris, the Technical University of Denmark, the Technical University of Eindhoven, the Technical University of Munich, the Polytechnic University of Prague and Tallinn University of Technology. Each team competed in one of three categories: nature, technology and people, under the theme "Improving connections for a sustainable future".

Over the weekend, the teams were able to work at Drahi-X and compare their ideas to finalise their projects. On Monday, the students had to quickly pitch their solution in English, before presenting their model in more detail and answering questions from the jury.

Although they did not win the EuroTeQaThon final in the 'Environment' category, congratulations to ENSAE for their commitment to sustainable development and all the work they have done!

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  • Photo credit: © École polytechnique - J.Barande
  • Photo credit: J. Rafanoharana

Our consultancy service "Ergonomia" offers a holistic approach to reducing carbon emissions, benefiting employees, employers, and society. We enhance worker well-being with ecofriendly workspaces and promote job satisfaction, while employers meet environmental standards costeffectively without sacrificing productivity. Our solutions support sustainable urban development in line with European principles. 

A* team for IP Paris