Collection of the apprenticeship tax 2025

Companies of all sizes, whether start-ups, VSEs, SMEs or large corporations, can choose to allocate the free balance of the apprenticeship tax (now called the 0.09%) to ENSAE Paris, the only tax for which companies can choose the beneficiary or beneficiaries.
The apprenticeship tax represents an essential part of corporate support for ENSAE Paris to enable it to maintain the excellence of its training, to remain attentive to the needs of companies and to pursue its ambitions in relation to the issues of diversity, sustainable development and innovation.
This support, through the payment of your apprenticeship tax, contributes to the adjustment of our teaching to the challenges of society and especially to the establishment of courses that prepare our graduates to contribute in their field of specialization:
- the fight against climate change
- to the growth of international mobility flows
- and to the development of entrepreneurship
as well as allowing for the acquisition of broadened competencies that fully integrate the soft skills and interculturality that are essential to meet the responsibilities that await our students.
The year 2024 follows the implementation of Law No. 2018-771 for the Freedom to Choose One's Professional Future (Official Journal of September 6, 2018), which reforms the financing of vocational training and transfers the collection of legal contributions for vocational training and apprenticeships to the Urssaf network.
ENSAE Paris is authorized to receive the apprenticeship tax for the remaining 13% (i.e., 0.09% of gross payroll) through GENES (Group of National Schools of Economics and Statistics).
The establishment code is: (UAI EF) 0912381U.
The various steps in the collection process are as follows:
Designation by companies
The step where companies choose the institutions/organizations they wish to support will be carried out electronically through the SOLTEA allocation platform during two periods, with the opening dates set as follows:
- May 27, 2024, to August 23, 2024, for the first period
- September 2, 2024, to October 4, 2024, for the second period
- Collection
In 2024, the 0.09% will be directly collected from companies by URSSAF/MSA on May 5 or May 15, 2024.
Consult the declarant's guide:
- Transfers to Authorized Institutions
The funds collected by URSSAF will be transferred to the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC), which will disburse them via bank transfers according to the allocations designated by companies to the authorized institutions, following the schedule below:
- Disbursement for the first period will begin on August 30, 2024
- Disbursement for the second period will begin on October 11, 2024
ENSAE Paris is the leading school at the interface of statistics and data science, quantitative economics and sociology, finance and insurance. It trains future engineers, high-level talents whose expertise supports the strategic decisions of companies and public authorities.
At the end of 2021, ENSAE Paris launched its 2022-2026 development plan, which aims to accelerate the School's development at the interface of data science, quantitative economics and sociology, and finance and insurance, in a period rich in challenges and opportunities: technological breakthroughs, the omnipresence of data, ethical issues, major societal transitions, as well as pedagogical innovation and international development.
Our objective, within the Group of National Schools of Economics and Statistics and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, is to accelerate the dissemination of the unique skills of our graduates to companies and public organizations in our economy by promoting creativity, innovation, and exposure to research and international development of our students.
We are counting on you to support the school in its commitments and to promote the excellence of its training.
To go further
- Votre contact : Elisabeth ANDREOLETTI-CHENG, Head of Corporate Relations and Careers
- Find out more about how to pay the apprenticeship tax
- Discover other opportunities to collaborate with ENSAE Paris