Hackathon 2023: AI and Data Science in the service of responsible innovation

The final of the 4th edition of the Hi!ckathon took place from December 1st to 4th at ENSAE Paris. This event, dedicated to artificial intelligence and data science, was organized by the interdisciplinary center Hi! Paris in partnership with HEC Paris and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris). Bringing together 40 teams composed of students and professionals in these fields, the hackathon provided a unique platform for exchange.
Three weeks of intense preparation, including stimulating courses, diverse exercises, and coaching sessions, paved the way for this crucial moment: the final sprint of the Hi!ckathon! Participants faced the challenge of designing innovative solutions to solve concrete problems submitted by sponsoring companies. Among these partners were major players such as Capgemini, Kering, L'Oréal, Rexel, Schneider Electric, Total Energie, and Vinci.
At the end of this intense weekend, a jury composed of academics, data science experts, and representatives of sponsoring companies had the delicate task of awarding prizes to X teams.
Seven prizes were awarded during the closing ceremony, recognizing different categories and areas of excellence.
The winning projects were praised by the jury for their innovative nature and their potential contribution to responsible innovation. They demonstrate the ability of hackathons to stimulate entrepreneurship and the creativity of young talents.
The Jury's Crush Award presented by Schneider Electric was bestowed upon:
- Mahdi Hadj Kacem , Télécom Sud Paris
- Jihane Lamjoun, Télécom Sud Paris
- Martin Boutier, ENSAE Paris
- Messane Merrheim, Télécom Sud Paris
- Ingo Pashke, HEC
The Creativity Award presented by Vinci was granted to:
- Ayoub Damak, IMT Atlantique
- Augustin Cramer, ENSAE Paris
- Claire Dechaux , ENSAE Paris
- Yosr Drira, IMT Atlantique
- Emanie Luu, ENSAE Paris
- Manuel Nkegoum , IP Paris
The Interdisciplinary Award presented by Kering was awarded to:
- Noureddine Boullam, École Polytechnique
- Tim Haeussler, ENSAE Paris
- Martin Jessene, HEC Paris
- Salim Lakhal, Télécom Sud Paris
- Théo Lartigau, ENSAE Paris
- Lucas Morisset, Télécom Paris
The Technical Excellence Award presented by Total Energies was granted to:
- Zakaria El Kassimi, École Polytechnique
- Yosr Ben-Jemaa, IMT Atlantique
- Asma Boukhdhir, IMT Atlantique
- Mohammed Kafile, ENSAE Paris
- Ghaith Makhlouf, IMT Atlantique
- Narjlaa Srifi, IP Paris
The Scientific Approach Award presented by Capgemini was awarded to:
- Matthieu Bricaire, ENSAE Paris
- Victor Hoffman, IP Paris
- Changao Li, HEC Paris
- Marius Ortega, IP Paris
- Hussein Rammal, ENSTA
- Thomas Soloman, ENSAE Paris
The Innovation Award presented by Rexel was conferred upon:
- Alexander Bohane, École Polytechnique et HEC
- Tess Coulon, École Polytechnique et HEC
- Selma Zarga, IP Paris
- Valentina Hu, IP Paris
- Adrien Oleksiak Sachoux, IP Paris
The Business Pitch Award presented by L'Oréal was given to:
- Yassine Beniguemim, École Polytechnique
- Yasmine Benjelloun, IP Paris
- Yann Eric Choho, ENSAE Paris
- Paul Grunenwald; IP Paris
- Thomas Le Corre, HEC Paris
Two honorable mentions were also awarded.
Congratulations to all the students who took on the challenge of bringing this hackathon to life by deploying all their expertise and giving their best.