Noureddine Oulid Azouz, winner of the Natixis Foundation Prize for the best Master's thesis in quantitative finance

Each year, the Natixis Foundation for Research and Innovation rewards the best research projects in France, the UK, Belgium, Switzerland and Italy requiring the use of the most advanced quantitative finance techniques on complex subjects of current interest to banks, insurers and asset management companies. The Natixis Foundation's Scientific Committee awarded the 2023 prize for the best Master's thesis in quantitative finance to Noureddine OULID AZOUZ (graduate in Actuarial Engineering and Statistics, Finance and Actuarial Science, Class of 2022). Under the supervision of Thierry RONCALLI and Inès BARAHHOU, his research paper "Net Zero Investiment Portfolios" focused on the financing of the transition to a low-carbon economy applied to all sectors. Congratulations to him!
As Noureddine explains in his report, far from being a simple recipe to decarbonize one's portfolio by getting rid of the most emitting assets, net zero investing is about financing the transition to a low-carbon economy, to enable all sectors to reduce their emissions.