Student services and practical life

Information and orientation
The Department of Studies, the Department of International Relations, the Corporate Relations and Internship Department, as well as the course coordinators and teacher-researchers inform and guide students in finding their path, international training, preparing for their exams, etc.
The internship and corporate relations team provides personalized support to students throughout their training, from the preparation of their professional project to the search for an internship and then a job.
Health, social security and assistance
Protection and social security
Health coverage is mandatory for all persons residing in France. This registration is free and compulsory and will allow you to benefit from the reimbursement of your health expenses.
- If you are entering higher education in 2022/2023 or were already a student in 2021/2022, here is all the information you need
- If you are on a work-study program, you are covered by the general social security system
- If you are an intern, your affiliation depends on your bonus and its amount
- If you are an employee (doctoral student, continuing professional activity, etc.), you are covered by the general social security system
- You can register for social security through this page
Additional useful resources for international students
- You will also find a lot of useful information on the Ameli website " Student: your medical expenditure coverage ".
- Consult Campus France's tutorials on social security registration
Social security partially reimburses some of your health expenses. An additionnal private health insurance (also called "mutuelle"), allows you to cover the remaining expenses according to the chosen contract.
Thus, when you have health expenses, the Social Security does not reimburse everything. The additional health insurance completes these reimbursements, in whole or in part.
The additional health insurance can also cover services that are not reimbursed at all by the Social Security (for example osteopathy or certain vaccines).
It can also offer associated services (assistance, prevention, etc.).
To learn more about complementary health insurance, you can also visit the dedicated website.
Support and personal difficulties
The student life center pilots and coordinates the student counselling service via the school psychologist, Catherine Brébant, who is available every Thursday afternoon.
In case of difficulties related to schooling, make an appointment with the Director of Studies or the Deputy Director of Studies.
Other support services are available:
The region has informed us of the implementation of a support system for students. The Ile de France Region has given its support to the FondaMental Foundation to launch the "Ecoute Etudiants Ile-de-France" platform, which is entirely dedicated to the psychological support of students in the Ile de France region, by offering self-assessment tools, online resources and preventive advice, and teleconsultations with psychologists: .
Upon presentation of your student card, you can benefit from free teleconsultations, up to 3 consultations paid for by the Île-de-France Region. If after these 3 consultations you are still not well enough, the psychologist who helped you will be able to suggest appropriate solutions; you can also turn to the school psychologist if necessary.
The Crous de Versailles has set up this new psychological assistance system for students.
- The free remote consultations are provided by the association ALLIANCE C. Students can make an appointment directly on doctolib by searching for "Alliance C, multidisciplinary practice" and selecting "teleconsultations for students in the Versailles Academy". The link to doctolib is as follows:
- APSYTUDE will hold free in-person consultations every two weeks on Wednesdays from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the E. Gray residence - 1 rue d'Arsonval - 91400 Orsay in the workroom located just in front of the main entrance of the residence.
Students can come with or without an appointment (depending on availability):
- To make an appointment: 06 27 86 91 83 (attention: no phone permanence!) or heading " Take appointment " on
- Calendar and location on in the "Where we are" section
In addition to the psychological assistance provided to students by the ALLIANCE C association, which continues as indicated in my message of January 27 below, I would like to inform you that consultations with psychologists from the APASO association are being set up in two of our university residences as follows
- Every Friday morning between 8am and 1pm at the university residence La Pacaterie, building 499, Orsay university campus - 91400 Orsay from March 26th 2021
- Every other week on Thursday afternoons between 2:00 and 6:00 p.m. at the Les Rives de l'Yvette university residence, building 233, Orsay university campus - 91122 Bures-sur-Yvette as of March 25, 2021.
- Consultations can also be held at APASO Massy's headquarters - 4 avenue de France in Massy - or remotely by phone or video.
This is a confidential and totally free service open to all students, available by appointment, preferably by calling APASO on 0805 829 130 (toll-free number) or
The agglomeration of Paris-Saclay has produced a simplified guide that groups together all of the assistance that you can benefit from. It allows you to find the various existing devices and to have a fast access to useful contacts.
Download the directory
During the health crisis, students could benefit from sessions with a psychologist free of charge, without advance payment. This program has been extended until August 31, 2022, giving the right to 8 sessions without advance payment. For more information, click here.
In addition, this platform lists all the free and confidential psychological support services reserved for students.
The Health Center of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) is open to staff and students of the IP Paris. The Health Center team is on hand to help you carry out your studies and work in the best possible physical, mental and social conditions.
The Health Center of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) is located in Pavillon Broca - Bâtiments 15-16.
Your Health coordinator - Ms. Elisabeth ROSSI can be reached:
- By phone: 01 69 33 39 31 or 06 69 59 99 24
- By e-mail :
Opening hours of the Health Center:
- From Monday to Thursday : 8:30am-12pm / 1:30pm-5pm
- Friday : 8:30am-12pm / 1:30pm-4:15pm
ENSAE Paris makes every effort to allow its students access to studies without discrimination, while maintaining the high standards that guarantee the value of the diplomas it issues. Students with disabilities can contact the student life center and/or the School's disability advisor so that all appropriate measures can be taken, particularly for schooling and internships.
Prevention, harassment, discrimination and SGBV
As a responsible school, ENSAE Paris is committed to a program to prevent alcohol-related risks, harassment and sexual and gender-based violence. ENSAE Paris has set up a secure online reporting platform, available 24/7, associated with a reporting and support protocol, in order to handle reports of violence, harassment and discrimination, while guaranteeing the confidentiality of exchanges.
The student and campus life contribution (CVEC)
The CVEC allows you to develop useful services in your daily life, in your institution and the Crous of your academy. Each student in initial training in a higher education institution must obtain, prior to registration, a certificate of payment of the Student Life and Campus Contribution (CVEC), by payment or exemption.
There are two ways to pay the CVEC
- by payment, because you are subject to it (its amount is fixed at 95€)
- by exemption (see above "Which students are exempt?")
In both cases, you will be able to obtain a "certificate of payment" of the CVEC at the end of the process
- You must provide us with this certificate in the documents tab.
- Please note that ENSAE Paris cannot finalize your registration without this certificate.
For any questions, a toll-free number is available at 01 40 51 62 00.
This student life and campus contribution is used for:
- Your health (improving your access to care on campus and renovating the prevention policy)
- Promote social support
- Support your initiatives
- Develop sports on campus
- Bringing art and culture to life in higher education institutions
- Improving student reception
Consult the Campus France tutorials to learn more about the CVEC.
Each student in initial training in a higher education institution must pay this contribution before registering in his or her higher education institution.
- If you are enrolled in an apprenticeship program => you must pay the contribution.
- If you are enrolled in a CPGE (Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Ecoles) => you must pay the contribution when you enroll at the university. You can pay or be exempted depending on your situation.
- If you are enrolled in continuing education (i.e. your training is paid for by an employer or a collecting organization) => you are not concerned by this contribution. You do not have to do anything.
- If you are an international exchange student in France => you are not concerned by this contribution. You do not have to do anything.
NB: in an international exchange, you spend a period of mobility in France during the academic year as part of an agreement between your home institution, to which you pay your tuition fees, and a higher education institution in France.
As soon as possible on
- Scholarship holders or beneficiaries of an annual allowance granted within the framework of specific annual aid
- Refugee students
- Students who are beneficiaries of subsidiary protection
- Students who are registered as asylum seekers and who have the right to stay in France
Clarification on "scholarship holders
What scholarships are we talking about?
- Scholarships based on social criteria managed by the CROUS (Higher education, Culture, Agriculture, ...)
- ATTENTION, for GENES scholarship holders (foreign students who can benefit from them) at the time of registration, they must pay the CVEC and will later ask for a refund once the GENES scholarship has been obtained on the CVEC website
- Scholarships paid by the regions (for students in paramedical, health and social training)
On the other hand, the following are not exempt and must pay the contribution
- French government scholarships (BGF)
- Scholarships from a foreign government (BGE)
Welcoming of international students
ENSAE Paris has been awarded the two-star "Welcome to France" label by Campus France. This distinction recognizes the quality of the welcome policy offered to foreign students and the internationalization strategy of the engineering school.
In collaboration with the International Relations Department, the Student Life Department welcomes and registers foreign students, from preliminary admission to final registration, and assists with the preparation of residence permit applications.
Depending on your nationality, your situation and the length of your stay, you may need to obtain a visa to study in France.
- Consult the Campus France tutorial on the first steps to take when arriving in France
- The official website of visas for France allows you to do your procedures online
- The association Sciences Accueil, a partner of ENSAE Paris, can help you with the procedures before and after your arrival in France
- When you arrive, you can take advantage of the free services of the Guichet d'Accueil des Talents Étrangers (GATE) for all your administrative procedures
Practical tools made available to students
The student card is given to you by the student life center at the beginning of the year and is valid for the duration of your studies. In case of loss, the student must complete the renewal form and pay the corresponding fees to the accounting agency.
Students have a locker to receive documents throughout the year. The padlock has replaced the locker keys, which is why new students (1A, 2AD, 3ACI, 3A returning from a long internship, MS) are asked to provide a padlock that respects the following technical requirements: diameter 5.3mm, ring distance 16mm. If you have any questions on this subject, please contact
ENSAE is a signatory of the Microsoft Education offer. This offer allows ENSAE students to benefit from Office licenses and to access a large collection of tutorials and resources.
Students have access to the intranet and to their personal folders and files saved on their Windows session, especially remotely, outside the school.