
Scholarships based on social criteria
The procedure for scholarships based on social criteria is a system set up under the responsibility of the Student Life Department, in conjunction with the Department of Studies, in order to allocate social aid to students enrolled in the engineer program at ENSAE Paris. The scales are those of the CROUS. Applications for scholarships based on social criteria and the allocation of merit-based aid are managed jointly with the CROUS.
The scholarships granted by ENSAE Paris may be combined with scholarships granted by public authorities or private institutions; the total amount of the combined scholarships may not exceed the maximum amount of the scholarship to which the student could be entitled.
Students receiving scholarships are exempt from paying tuition fees.
- European-national students
- International students who are recruited in the framework of a double degree partnership when and only when explicitly specified in the double degree agreement and who do not benefit from an Eiffel scholarship or a scholarship from their government (not eligible for exchange students or direct international admissions/free movers).
Since the start of the 2020 academic year, ENSAE Paris has entrusted the management of part of its scholarships based on social criteria to the CROUS of Versailles.
- The higher education grant based on social criteria is awarded to students who are faced with material difficulties that prevent them from undertaking or continuing their higher education.
- It is a complementary aid to that of the family. As such, it cannot replace the obligation to provide support as defined by the provisions of articles 203 and 371-2 of the civil code, which require parents to provide for their children, even those who are of age, as long as the latter are unable to meet their own needs.
- The family's income and expenses are taken into account to determine the rate of the grant, which is set according to a national scale.
- The continuation of the scholarship is subject to conditions of progress, attendance at classes and presence at exams.
- The student must also meet age, diploma and nationality criteria.
The application for a grant based on social criteria is made each year using the student social file (DSE) to be filled out online. You can download the 2023 application guide via this link. Students with CROUS scholarships from the previous year must fill out a new file. For information, when you enter the DSE, the "CROUS" nomenclature is specific, you must enter "Engineering training" then :
- Third year = 1A ENSAE
- Fourth year = 2A ENSAE
- Fifth year = 3A ENSAE
- And finally, "habilitation Economy" = ENSAE.
Students who have already submitted a scholarship application for 2022-2023 must do so each year. For the start of the 2023 school year, the deadline is May 30, 2023.
A few points of reference on the steps:
- Once you have completed your application online, the CROUS will process it
- You will receive your "conditional notification" during the summer
- This notification will be uploaded to the registration site during your administrative registration
- Once your administrative registration is complete, your scholarship file will be validated by the school
- You will then receive your final notification that you will have to send back to us (
- Early payment of the September instalment will be made at the end of August for students whose student social file, including administrative registration, has been finalised before 25 August.
Reminder: 3A students on a professionalization contract or on an early graduation internship are not eligible for the school's social criteria grants. The same applies to students on long internships. Students from outside Europe are not eligible.
- Exception: certain non-European students who are admitted at ENSAE through a double-degree partnership which agreement explicitly provides for this access (in particular partnerships with African Statistics School) and who do not benefit from an Eiffel scholarship or a scholarship from their government, may be eligible for a scholarship based on social criteria. A specific scholarship committee is held for these students. For more information, see the international students section.
Watch our presentation videos:
- Application for a scholarship: prepare your supporting documents
- How to apply for a scholarship
Merit-based aid is not subject to a specific request from the student. The CROUS identifies the students who are likely to receive this aid, after having taken note of the list baccalaureate graduates with honors ("mention Très Bien") from the previous year. The final decision on whether or not to award the merit-based aid is then made by the rector and notified to the applicant.
It is paid to scholarship holders in addition to the social criteria scholarship, which is applied for via the DSE.
The merit-based aid was 900€ for a baccalaureate obtained in 2015 or the following years and is paid in 9 monthly payments; it is not paid during the university vacations.
Merit-based aid can be combined with out-going international mobility aid and one-time aid granted as part of the specific aid scheme.
The student must attend classes and exams regularly and not repeat a year (except for medical reasons).
As they cannot benefit from more than three merit-based grants, ENSAE Paris students are potentially concerned only during their first year at the School. This limitation applies to both linear and reoriented studies.
- Advanced Masters students, INSEE administrative students, third-year engineering students on professionalization contracts, Exchange and ERASMUS students
- Students whose tax residence has been in the European Economic Area for less than two years
- Students whose fiscal residence is outside the European Economic Area, unless they come from institutions with which ENSAE has signed double-diploma agreement, and where these agreements explicitly provide for eligibility for the School's social aid system
- Third-year student-engineers on an early graduation internship, which is in fact paid
- Students on long internships
International students
To finance their mobility to France, international students, i.e. those entering ENSAE Paris from an international institution, may be eligible for one of the following grants.
International students enrolled at ENSAE Paris by right are not eligible for the grants reserved for outgoing mobility, i.e. from France to other countries (IDF mobility grant, GENES mobility grant).
In December, the ENSAE Paris selects the students it will present to the Eiffel scholarship selection committee. International students do not apply directly. The Eiffel scholarship is a very competitive worldwide program and only candidates with outstanding academic results have a chance to be selected.
International students admitted as part of a double degrees agreement or through direct international admission (free movers) are eligible.
Around 10 Eiffel scholarships are obtained each year.
- For 2019-20, 3 Eiffel scholarships have been awarded for ENSAE Paris: to a student from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), a student from ENSAE Dakar (Senegal) and a student from Tian-jin University (China).
- For 2020-21, 6 students have been awarded an Eiffel scholarship, all from African statistical partner schools.
- For 2021-22, 9 students have been awarded an Eiffel scholarship (including one student from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, one student from the University of Gabes - Tunisia, six students from CAPESA partner schools - ENSEA Abidjan, ISSEA Yaoundé, ENSAE Dakar, and one student from the partner school ENIT Tunisia).
- For 2022-23, 11 students have been awarded Eiffel scholarships (including one student from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, seven students from CAPESA partner schools: ENSEA Abidjan, ISSEA Yaoundé, ENSAE Dakar, ENEAM Cotonou from Benin and one student from partner school ENIT from Tunisia, two from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia from Cambodia).
The higher education grant can be awarded to international students facing material difficulties that prevent them from undertaking or continuing their higher education studies in France. Applications are processed by the Student Life Dpt as soon as international students obtain their admission certificate.
- Contact:
This grant is only available to students from institutions with which ENSAE Paris has signed double-diploma and only when these agreements explicitly provide for eligibility for the scholarship.
- Students admitted as part of a double-degree program with CAPESA institutions in Africa: ENEAM Cotonou, ENSAE-Dakar, ENSAE-Abidjan and ISSEA-Yaoundé
- Maghreb double-degree students: ENIT Tunisie, ESSAI Tunis, INSEA-Rabat
- UFRJ double-degree students (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - IM)
The scholarship is paid in three instalments, provided that the student is in good attendance:
- 30% in the first quarter of the academic year (expected date: September-October)
- 30% in the second quarter (expected date: December)
- 40% in the third quarter (expected date: March)
In order to process your application, you will find below the list of documents to be attached to your application (sent in digital format to
- Certificate of non-scholarship from your government for the year 2023-2024
- Copy of the family record book specifying the number of brothers and sisters and their relationship to each other; or if not available, a birth certificate for each family member
- Copy of the last 2 tax notices of the parents, for the year N-1 (income year 2022) and N-2 (income year 2021). In the case of divorced or separated parents, present the declarations of each of the parents or, failing that, any document justifying the state of the family's financial resources (attestation on the honor of each parent, dated and signed)
- A bank statement in France
- Copy of the 2023-2024 student cards for each dependent child of the household enrolled in an institution of higher education, excluding the scholarship applicant (or school certificate if the start date of the school year is after the application deadline or, failing that, registration certificate for the coming year).
Please note that all incomplete applications will be rejected.