ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

Search results for student

234 results

Podcast : Delphine Gras evolving within structures of different sizes and sectors

… … Student-engineers Charles Lagier (in 2A after a CPGE ECS) and …
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Podcast : Vincent Burnand-Galpin, , a commitment to the ecological transition

… … Student-engineers Eve Samani in 1A and Antoine Dalenconte in …
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Podcast: Maria Alexa, pursuing a thesis in the healthcare field

… … Student engineers Tien Thinh Tran Thuong (2A) and Léo René …
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Podcast: Lucas Saban, the end-of-studies internship confirmed as a permanent contract

… … Student-engineers Samuel Norsa (1A) and Léa Joly (Césure) had …
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Podcast: Antoine Ly, actuarial science and data science

… … Student-engineers Eve Samani (1A) and Romane Le Potier (2A) …
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Podcast: Médéric Thomas, data science and international

… … 1A student-engineers Elise Fontaine et Oscar Zaidan spoke with …
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Podcast: Souleïma Baddi, from BL to fintech CEO position

… … 1A student-engineers Eve Samani and Alban Nelias spoke with …
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Social responsibility

… approach. For several years now, the School and its student associations have been developing sustainable …
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