Podcast : Delphine Gras evolving within structures of different sizes and sectors
Student-engineers Charles Lagier (in 2A after a CPGE ECS) and Elias Laurent (in 2A after a prépa MP) had the chance to chat with Delphine Gras (ENSAE Alumni 2016) about her career path, from her decision to enter ENSAE Paris after a prépa MP* at Lycée Joffre, Montpellier, through her various experiences at Veltys, Canal+ and then Meetic, to her current position as Head of Data at startup Hosman.

The interview with Delphine Gras is offered in 2 episodes: the first part is available from Monday August 19, and the second on Wednesday August 21, for listening on all your favorite platforms: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer, Amazon Music, SoundClound, Podcast Addict. Happy listening!
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