ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

Podcast: Lucas Saban, the end-of-studies internship confirmed as a permanent contract

Student-engineers Samuel Norsa (1A) and Léa Joly (Césure) had the opportunity to talk to Lucas Saban (ENSAE Alumni 2023) about his career path, from his decision to enroll at ENSAE Paris after completing a preparatory course for engineering studies at the Lycée Montaigne in Bordeaux, to his research internships, which led to his first job as a Quant Researcher at QRT, even before graduating.
Podcast: Lucas Saban, the end-of-studies internship confirmed as a permanent contract

The Lucas Saban interview is available in 2 episodes: the first part on Friday August 2 and the second on Monday August 5, for listening on all your favorite platforms: Apple PodcastsSpotifyDeezerAmazon MusicSoundCloundPodcast Addict

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