Podcast : Vincent Burnand-Galpin, , a commitment to the ecological transition
Student-engineers Eve Samani in 1A and Antoine Dalenconte in 3A on the Finance, Risks and Data track, following admission via the double-diploma with ESSEC, had the opportunity to talk to Vincent Burnand-Galpin (ENSAE Alumni 2020) about his career path since choosing to enter ENSAE Paris after a BL preparatory course at Lycée Janson de Sailly, in Paris, and his commitment to the ecological transition, which began at school and continued through his first professional experiences, leading to his current position as Sustainable Finance Project Manager at the Institute for Sustainable Finance.

The interview with Vincent Burnand-Galpin is offered in 2 episodes: the first part available from Wednesday August 14, and the second on Friday 16, to listen to on all your favorite platforms: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer, Amazon Music, SoundClound, Podcast Addict. Happy listening!
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