ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat


The Economics department brings together professors from ENSAE Paris, the Economics departments of the École Polytechnique and Télécom Paris, and researchers from the CNRS. It therefore brings together all the economists of IP Paris. It conducts research in the fields of applied and theoretical econometrics, game theory, industrial organization, financial and monetary macroeconomics, international economics, labor economics, public policy evaluation and public economics.

The professors of the Economics Department are involved in

  • ENSAE's engineering cycle courses
  • Advanced masters
  • Research masters and PhD tracks at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (Master in Economics and PhD track in Economics, co-accredited with HEC Paris)

The Economics Department welcomes and supervises doctoral students at CREST, as part of the IP Paris doctoral school, co-accredited with HEC Paris. It also hosts post-doctoral students and international visiting professors giving doctoral courses (see CREST website).

It is involved in

  • The "Economics and Decision Sciences" Labex
  • The "Data Science for Economics, Finance and Management" University Research School and the "Hi! Paris" interdisciplinary center for artificial intelligence and data science, jointly run by IP Paris and HEC Paris
  • The interdisciplinary center "Energy for Climate" of IP Paris, shared with the École des ponts
  • The Institute of Public Policy, supported by the Paris School of Economics and GENES-ENSAE 

It interacts within CREST with other research centers that share common methodologies for data exploitation and/or related fields of interest (quantitative sociology, finance and insurance, statistics and data science). It is also involved in international research collaboration networks.

The ENSAE-CREST professors in Economics

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