
List of steps in the registration process
Step 1. After confirming your admission to ENSAE Paris, you will receive an automatic message containing the link to the registration site: you can start the administrative procedures online.
Step 2. When all the requested documents have been uploaded on the registration platform and you have validated your application, your file is sent to the School's services for "study". Please note that it is possible to save your application and complete it as you go along, while respecting the deadlines indicated at the bottom of this page. Throughout this stage, the student life center is at your disposal for any questions
Step 3. After your application has been reviewed by the Student Life Center :
- If your application is incomplete or contains errors: you will receive a notification specifying what needs to be added or modified.
- If your file is complete: it is automatically transferred to the payment site and you receive an automatic message inviting you to pay your tuition fees. If your tuition is waived, you will receive a confirmation of registration message directly.
Payment of your registration fees can be made:
By bank transfer (bank details provided when connecting to the payment site)
By check made payable to the accounting officer of GENES
By credit card in one installment or three installments without fees. If you choose the three-installment option, the first payment is due at registration, the second at 30 days, and the third at 60 days.
Step 4. When payment is made, you will receive a payment confirmation notification validating your registration. If you are registered at ENSAE Paris as a main student, you can download your school certificate from the registration website. If you are not registered as a main student, please contact your main institution to obtain your schooling certificate.
Step 5. Student cards are distributed to newcomers at the beginning of the school year. Former students must pick up a sticker to stick on the card from the student life center (it will be placed in their locker).
Online registration file
You will find below the list of documents you need to prepare to complete your online registration file:
- Photo in .jpeg or .png format (remember to turn it the right way round before uploading it).
- Identification in .jpeg or .png format (national identity card or passport).
- RIB in your name; to allow the school to reimburse the missions carried out in the name of the school and the payment of the scholarships granted by the school (ENSAE-GENES).
- Certificate of payment of the Student Life and Campus Contribution (CVEC), by payment or exemption, which you can obtain by visiting the official CVEC website; with the exceptions listed on this page. Not included: Eramus+ program, administrators and professionalization contracts.
Additional documents to be attached to the file sent by the student life center are required depending on your situation (see below):
- Medical certificate of less than three months attesting to the aptitude to practice the sport; essential for the practice of the sport and for the participation in competitions during the year. You will find a model on this page.
Remember to make an appointment for July-August.
- Residence permit / visa more information on the practical life page
This applies to students from institutions with which ENSAE Paris has signed double-diploma or collaboration agreements, and only when these agreements explicitly provide for eligibility for the School's social aid system.
- Copy of the family record book specifying the number of brothers and sisters and the family ties.
- Copy of the last 2 tax notices of the parents, for the year N-1 (income year 2023) and N-2 (income year 2022). In the case of divorced or separated parents, please refer to the page "Miscellaneous information".
- Foreign students who can benefit from an ENSAE scholarship only within the framework of an agreement between their home institutions (ENSAE-Dakar, ENSEA-Abidjan, INSEA-Rabat and ISSEA-Yaoundé) and ENSAE, must provide a 2024/2025 certificate of non-scholarship from their home country.
- A bank statement.
- Copy of the 2024-2025 student cards for each dependent child of the household enrolled in a higher education institution, excluding the scholarship applicant (or school certificate if the start date of the school year is after the application deadline).
Deadlines for administrative registration
In order to proceed with their re-enrollment at the school, students will receive an automatic email to connect to the registration site. This email will be sent once the Research Teaching Committee (RTC) at the beginning of July (and any catch-up exams) has passed.
If you have not received an email by the end of July, we invite you to contact the student life service by email at
- 2A ex 1A engineering cycle: before July 31, 2024
- 3A engineering cycle (including long internship, external schooling, gap year) : before September 6, 2024
- 1A : Within a week of receiving the email to register and before August 22 for the last admitted
- 2A Direct: before July 26, 2024
- 3A-Integrated program: before July 26, 2024
- Auditors admitted to the first semester: before September 27, 2024
- Auditors admitted to the second semester: before January 13, 2025
- Erasmus students admitted to the first semester: before July 31, 2024
- Erasmus students admitted to the second semester: before December 14, 2024
The payment of the tuition fees for your specialized master's degree will be done as described below, either by check made out to the GENES accounting agency, or by bank transfer or directly on the online payment site for the first payment.
In the case of payment by the student :
Auditors admitted to the first semester: before September 30
- 500 € from the day of registration and at the latest on July 19, 2022
- 4 500 € on the first day of classes at the latest
- 4 500 € at the latest on January 13, 2025
In the case of payment by the company:
- 500 € confirmation of enrollment, from the day of enrollment and no later than July 19, 2024
- 13 500 € before the end of 2024: contact to put the School in touch with the financial department of your organization.