Admission to the Ingénieur ENSAE program

Depending on their previous experience, students admitted to the engineering program at ENSAE Paris may enter the program in the first year (competitive examination, admission on the basis of academic qualifications), the second year (admission on the basis of academic qualifications of students with a very solid bi-disciplinary background), or even the third year (Polytechnic students who have followed appropriate courses in 3A at X).
Competitive entrance examinations to the “grandes écoles”
Competitive examination via the Mines-Ponts common competition, intended for students in the MP/MP* (50 places), MPI/MPI* (10 places), PC/PC* (8 places) and PSI/PSI* (12 places) scientific preparatory classes.
Competitive examination via the inter-ENS social sciences test bank, intended for students of the khâgnes scientifiques B/L (26 places).
Competitive examination via the common test bank, intended for students in economic and commercial preparatory classes EC/G (18 places).
Concours mathématiques : Concours commun Mines-Ponts*t |
Concours économie et mathématiques : Concours BCE |
Concours économie et sciences sociales : Concours inter-ENS |
Admissions universitaires : GEI-UNIV |
Filières CPGE | MP | MPI | PC | PSI | ECS | BL | L3 |
Inscrits | 5335 | 680 | 3561 | 3734 | 668 | 447 | 282 |
Admissibles | 1660 | 280 | 1199 | 1150 | 226 | 123 | 5 |
Barre d’admissibilité /20 | 12,72 | 12,98 | |||||
Rang du dernier entré | 1053 | 166 | 603 | 583 | 116 | 65 | 25 |
Places ouvertes | 50 | 10 | 8 | 12 | 15 | 20 | 10 |
Nombre d’entrés | 48 | 11 | 5 | 12 | 16 | 24 | 15 |
* Les statistiques d’inscrits, admissibles, présents et classés du Concours commun Mines-Ponts sont sur l’ensemble des 10 écoles du concours.
Le nombre de places pour les admissions sur titres est disponible sur la page dédiée. En 2022, ont intégré l’ENSAE : 15 élèves polytechniciens (hors administrateurs Insee), 9 élèves normaliens, 9 élèves en double diplôme d’écoles d’ingénieur, 20 en double diplôme écoles de commerce (HEC, ESSEC, ESCP), 25 étudiants par voies de recrutements internationaux, et 20 par admissions sur titres universitaires ou hors double diplômes.
Parallel admissions
Every year, ENSAE Paris welcomes international students from the best international academic programs, either through double-degree partnerships (notably with the network of African Schools of Statistics) or through international recruitment programs such as the shared international recruitment program IP Paris. ENSAE Paris also welcomes international students for academic exchange semesters, mainly through the Erasmus+ mobility program.
Find out more about international admissions at ENSAE Paris on the dedicated pages.
Approximately 25 places are reserved each year for Polytechnique students. Depending on the depth of their studies at l'X, they enter the engineering cycle in the 2nd or 3rd year.
Students from the Écoles Normales Supérieures with an M1 degree can enter the ENSAE engineering program as part of the ENS-ENSAE double degree program.
Bachelor Level university admission, via the GEI-UNIV procedure, for candidates with a university L3 degree (18 places).
- Admission on the basis of academic qualifications is intended for candidates with a university M1 degree (in mathematics, MASS, economics, econometrics), who enter ENSAE in the 1st or 2nd year depending on their previous training.
- Students from other grandes écoles (engineering schools with which ENSAE has signed a double degree agreement) can apply for admission to the second year directly after their second year at their home school.
- Students from an ENS can apply via this procedure.
Students from HEC, ESSEC and ESCP who have completed an L3 in mathematics or equivalent may apply for admission to the second year of the ENSAE engineering program at the end of their second year at their home school, as part of the double degree program between these schools and ENSAE. HEC students can enter the HEC-ENSAE double-degree program as early as the first year after the CPGE. The procedure is specific to each school; information can be obtained from the business school of origin or by sending an e-mail to
In all of the above cases (with the exception of business schools) the application procedure and timetable are common.