ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

ENSAE Paris after an ECG preparatory class: Élise Fontaine shares her feedback and advice for future applicants

A first-year engineering student (2024), Élise Fontaine was admitted to ENSAE Paris through the BCE (Banque commune d’épreuves) “economics and mathematics” exam. She comes from an economics and business preparatory class at the private Stanislas high school in Paris.
ENSAE Paris after an ECG preparatory class: Élise Fontaine shares her feedback and advice for future applicants

Why did you choose ENSAE Paris for your studies?

What attracted me to ENSAE Paris was, above all, the richness of the courses offered. Pursuing an Ingenieur Program with an advanced practice of mathematics while studying economics with a scientific approach is highly complementary. Today, I can see that this path is also highly valued in the job market. Additionally, the school's small size allowed me to integrate better and feel comfortable from the start.

To make my decision, I compared it with business schools. At ENSAE Paris, I was assured of a true, rigorous academic continuity without giving up on the associative aspect, finding a school with a dynamic student life.

According to you, what are the main qualities of ENSAE Paris?

The strengths of ENSAE Paris are:

  • The small, human-sized class sizes,
  • The quality of the teaching,
  • The diversity of profiles,
  • The richness of the extracurricular life.

The relatively affordable tuition fees are also a major advantage, especially compared to the costs of business schools. This school is ideal for those who wish to pursue rigorous studies in future-oriented sectors like finance or data while engaging in dynamic extracurricular projects.

Can you describe the student support system at ENSAE Paris?

Student support is at the heart of ENSAE Paris's pedagogy. Everything is done to ensure the success of all students: math and computer science support is available upon request for first-year economics students, and teaching assistants and coordinators are readily available.

Moreover, financial aid is available to ensure that money is not a barrier, whether it's for tuition fees, housing, or the solidarity fund for student life. The administration truly listens to students, which is fantastic!

What advice would you give to applicants for the entrance exams?

For ECG candidates, it's crucial to focus on the math and Geopolitics/Economics exams since the weighting of subjects differs from that of business schools. Here, math is highly emphasized, so it's important to prepare well in these areas.

What memories can you share with us from your 1st year at ENSAE Paris?

One of the highlights of the year is the BDE (Bureau des élèves) campaign period. Three intense weeks of sharing, meeting new people and having fun. Taking part in a project that you build from A to Z in a unique atmosphere of friendly competition brings the class together and marks a real turning point in the year. Other memorable events include sailing weekends, a week on the slopes, BDA shows and cultural weekends, such as the one we spent with friends in Milan, discovering the city's rich cultural heritage.

Can you talk about your role within the associations of ENSAE Paris?

I am the Vice President of the BDE Stat Wars  at ENSAE Paris. This role brings me a lot, especially complementary skills to those acquired through academic studies, such as organization, team management, and communication with other students and the administration. I am also the Vice President of Greensae, an association where I engage in addressing climate change, a topic that is very important to me. The revitalization of the association is truly stimulating, and the support from the administration, which is very committed, allows us to see our projects come to life. This involvement in associations, in addition to coursework, allows me to fully flourish within ENSAE Paris.