Juste HOUEDJIEKPON (Alumni 2023), Consultant en finance quantitative chez Exiom Partners

At the time, why did you choose ENSAE Paris?
Having started my career as a statistical economist focused on public service, I chose to enhance my skills to be attractive to employers in both sectors. I was drawn to ENSAE Paris, which offers training centered on economics, the specialization tracks, and data. Thanks to the school, I was able to combine my two areas of interest: public finance and market finance.
Today, looking back, what are the main strengths of ENSAE Paris?
Undeniably, the quality of instruction in data, economics, and finance is the foremost strength. This is closely followed by the excellence of the faculty researchers and the small class sizes.
What did completing a double degree at ENSAE Paris bring you?
The reputation of ENSAE Paris and the quality of the education provided make us highly valued and sought-after profiles in the job market.
Que retenez-vous encore aujourd’hui de votre formation à l’ENSAE Paris ?
À L'ENSAE Paris, on modifie notre approche des données. Quant aux enseignements du tronc commun, ils m'aident à prendre du recul lors de chaque analyse financière ou statistique.
Could you tell us about one or two highlights of your time at ENSAE?
I remember the search for an applied internship. As a foreigner without prior experience in France and with an almost non-existent network, finding an internship seemed like a journey. It is possible by relying on the skills, knowledge, and soft skills developed during the program. This was extremely useful to me at that time, and it continues to be so in my career today.
Who would you recommend the school to?
I would recommend the school to any student with advanced skills in economics, mathematics, or sociology. It is imperative to have determination and ambition.
What advice would you give to students interested in ENSAE Paris?
To obtain detailed information, I advise you to contact current students and consult the ENSAE website. The school is accessible to everyone. Two essential aspects to succeed:
- Define your ambition and objectives.
- Work hard to give yourself the means to succeed in the admission process.