ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

Camille Coustaury (Alumni 2024), Research Engineer at the Institut Pasteur

Camille Coustaury, a graduate of the Data Science, Statistique & Apprentissage- Class of 2024. She joined ENSAE Paris in her second year after completing her studies at the École des Mines de Saint-Étienne. She is currently a Research Engineer at the Institut Pasteur.
Camille Coustaury (Alumni 2024), Research Engineer at the Institut Pasteur

Why did you choose ENSAE Paris and what do you think are its main strengths?

I wanted to specialize in data processing and statistical analysis with a view to a career in epidemiology. ENSAE Paris seemed ideal for this goal thanks to its comprehensive and coherent curriculum. The courses are logically structured, providing students with solid tools applicable to various fields of activity.

What advantages did you gain from your choice of curriculum at ENSAE Paris?

I completed a Reseach Master at IP Paris in my third year to complement my training with other mathematical tools specialized in life sciences, which were somewhat outside the expertise of ENSAE Paris. This allowed for a great synergy and complementarity of learning, so I could finish my studies fully equipped and prepared for the expectations of the professional world.

Do you think studying at ENSAE Paris helped you find a job?

Without a doubt, ENSAE Paris opened many doors for me in the field of epidemiology research and infectious disease modeling thanks to its prestigious reputation and well-established alumni network in this sector.

If you had to keep only one memory of your time at ENSAE Paris, what would it be?

My two years spent with the Orchestres du Plateau de Saclay,were particularly memorable. This experience allowed me to meet students from various backgrounds and reconnect with my passion for music in a stimulating environment.

What advice would you give to future candidates interested in ENSAE Paris?

I advise them to consider ENSAE Paris for its specialized training as well as its diverse career opportunities. Take my example: I could not have imagined that joining ENSAE Paris would enable me to conduct research in the epidemiology of emerging diseases. Yet today, that's my job. My atypical path, coming from the Mines de Saint-Étienne to join ENSAE in the second year, demonstrates the diversity of profiles and access routes to this school.