ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

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271 results

ENSAE Paris: once again in the Top 10 of the Le Figaro Étudiant 2024 ranking

… companies (salaries, junior companies, networks, etc.), ENSAE Paris is ranked 7th in the general ranking of schools … SudParis (22th). This is the fifth time in a row that ENSAE Paris has been ranked in the "top 10" of engineering … schools of excellence. … For the 5th year running, ENSAE Paris ranks among the "Top 10" engineering schools of …
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Felix TROPF (research professor CREST-ENSAE), awarded with ERC Starting Grants

… and Statistics (CREST,  a joint research unit of CNRS, ENSAE Paris - Institut Polytechnique de Paris, École … Polytechnique de Paris, GENES) and who leads courses at ENSAE Paris : Demography  taught in the  3 rd year of the … this year, including Felix Tropf, research professor CREST-ENSAE, and researchers from Institut Polytechnique de Paris: …
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Become a partner of ENSAE Paris

… to the School's operations, work with the various ENSAE Paris communities (management, students, faculty, … any questions or additional information, contact corporate@ensae.fr \r\n\r\n   … … ENSAE Paris forges structuring partnerships with companies. …
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Tournoi de Debating : l'ENSAE Paris remporte la demi-finale face à l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne !

… The ENSAE Paris debating team qualifies for the final of the 2023 … par Declan Mc Cavana, alors enseignant d’anglais à l’ENSAE Paris, à Polytechnique et à l’ENA. Son but : encourager … édition un succès toujours croissant. … Victoire de l’ENSAE Paris en demi-finale du tournoi 2023 organisé par la …
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Information Coronavirus

… report to the school via the dedicated address covid@ensae.fr. \r\n\r\n The procedure for reporting cases (positive … \r\n\t Inform the school via the dedicated address covid@ensae.fr \r\n\t Inform the people with whom I was in contact …
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Peter Tankov, ENSAE-CREST professor, winner of the Prix Louis Bachelier 2024

… co-director of the  Finance, Risks and Data  track at ENSAE Paris. The Prize committee rewarded him for his … Insights \r\n\t Watch the video \"Paroles de prof de l'ENSAE Paris : Peter Tankov\" on YouTube \r\n … … Congratulations to ENSAE-CREST professor Peter Tankov, who has been awarded the …
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Finance, Risks and Data

…     \r\n\r\n The third year of the ENSAE Paris engineering program includes six specialization … tools (algorithms/coding). \r\n\r\n The strength of the ENSAE Paris program lies in the balance between applied … for experts in green finance is growing all the time, and ENSAE students, with their dual skills in economics and data …
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Léa Pessin, ENSAE-CREST research professor, awarded with ERC Starting Grants!

… Léa Pessin recently joined ENSAE-CREST, on the Institut Polytechnique de Paris campus, … Researchers Network Early Career Fellow. Before joining ENSAE-CREST, Léa previously worked in the department of … State University. … Congratulations to Léa Pessin, ENSAE-CREST teacher-researcher, who is one of the winners of …
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Econometric Game 2023: the ENSAE Paris team reaches the finals

… en Afrique. The creativity and excellent work of the ENSAE Paris delegation enabled them to qualify for the … were the team from the University of Warsaw. Well done to ENSAE for this brilliant achievement! \r\n\r\n \r\n\t Jeanne … MÉNARD (PhD student, Master in Economics and Ingénieur ENSAE program graduate) \r\n\t Doulo SOW (3A specialization  …
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Admission to Advanced Masters

… \r\n\r\n ENSAE Paris offers four Advanced Masters® (\"Mastères … degree to acquire additional high-level training in ENSAE's areas of excellence, and thus benefit from the key … you can contact us via the box admission[at]ensae.fr . \r\n\r\n If the official documents are not available on …
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Elsa Pivard (Alumni 2018), CEO at Dortan-Compost and GAEC du Truchet

… the time, why did you choose ENSAE … work done by the students is top-notch. Being a student at ENSAE Paris is demanding, you have to work hard. It's also … do you still take away from your training at ENSAE Paris … you tell us about one or two key moments from your time at ENSAE and why they stood …
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Admission to Masters, PhD tracks and PhD

… of excellence that constitutes the engineering cycle , ENSAE Paris offers more specialized disciplinary training … including those of student-engineers studying at ENSAE who are applying for a double degree with one of the IP … on each of the Masters' presentation pages. \r\n\r\n For ENSAE Paris engineering students, applications are generally …
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