ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

Peter Tankov, ENSAE-CREST professor, winner of the Prix Louis Bachelier 2024

04 Jul. 2024
Congratulations to ENSAE-CREST professor Peter Tankov, who has been awarded the Louis Bachelier Prize for his research into green finance, renewable energy markets and the impact of climate risk on financial risk management!
Peter Tankov, ENSAE-CREST professor, winner of the Prix Louis Bachelier 2024

The Louis Bachelier Prize is a biennial prize jointly awarded by the London Mathematical Society (LMS), the Natixis Foundation for Research and Innovation and the Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI). The winners are prominent personalities, widely recognized in the academic and professional worlds of quantitative finance and/or risk management.

The jury awarded the Prix 2024 to Peter Tankov, a mathematician specializing in applied probability and stochastic modeling, who is also a research professor co-director of the Finance, Risks and Data track at ENSAE Paris. The Prize committee rewarded him for his internationally recognized work, carried out in collaboration with eminent climatologists, economists and regulators, which has had a significant impact on research and policy.

Peter Tankov’s research is an excellent example of the relevance of rigorous mathematical and statistical modelling for applications in risk management and market regulation.

The Bachelier Prize Committee