ENSAE Paris: once again in the Top 10 of the Le Figaro Étudiant 2024 ranking

Le Figaro Étudiant has just published the 2024 ranking of the best engineering schools. Evaluated according to a list of criteria that take into account academic excellence (research, double degrees, level of graduates, etc.), international influence (international rankings, expatriation abroad, percentage of graduates working abroad, etc.) and relations with companies (salaries, junior companies, networks, etc.), ENSAE Paris is ranked 7th in the general ranking of schools of excellence this year.
Congratulations to the IP Paris schools: École polytechnique (1st), Télécom Paris (5th), ENSTA Paris (6th) in the "top 10" and Télécom SudParis (22th).
This is the fifth time in a row that ENSAE Paris has been ranked in the "top 10" of engineering schools of excellence.