Social diversity

Scholarships, exemptions and social aid
Scholarships based on social criteria are awarded by the school to engineering students with insufficient resources. These scholarships are based on the CROUS scale and their management is delegated to the CNOUS.
Students with scholarships based on social criteria (school scholarship or CROUS scholarship) enrolled in the engineering program at ENSAE Paris are exempt from paying tuition fees.
The health crisis linked to COVID-19 has greatly weakened some students. ENSAE has set up an emergency financial aid program for students in serious financial difficulty.
More generally, regular commissions bring together the student delegates, the student office, the student life officers and the director of studies, in order to identify students in difficulty and to find appropriate solutions.
Equal Opportunity Initiatives
Students at ENSAE Paris are involved in several "cordées de la réussite" type programs to encourage access to higher education. Student commitment is valued by ENSAE Paris and opens the possibility of obtaining bonus points. The various partnerships are also coordinated and monitored by the student life manager.
Created by students at the École Polytechnique, the Tremplin association now has branches in many of the major schools in the Paris region, including ENSAE Paris. Its mission is to help young students from so-called disadvantaged backgrounds to complete their studies.
Tremplin volunteers work in high schools as well as in higher education. The aim is to give the tutored students a scientific outlook, by enabling them to tackle problems that go beyond the mathematics program of their school.
The ENSAE branch has a team of just over a dozen students who are involved in three high schools in the south of Paris.
#Genius is an initiative by the École Polytechnique, HEC Paris, ENSAE Paris, ENSTA Paris, Télécom Paris and Centrale Lyon to promote the sciences. It is aimed at high school and university students, from the second year of secondary school to Bac+2 (preparatory classes), from all over France, and in particular from areas that do not currently benefit from the "cordées de la réussite" program.
The program is based on MOOCs and online tutoring. Students from ENSAE Paris are involved in the tutoring component. The missions consist of sharing experiences with high school students on the following themes: general and scientific culture, methodology, oral expression, post-bac orientation.
A dozen students from ENSAE Paris are involved in this program.
The GEPPM project is an equal opportunity program, labeled "cordée de la réussite" and implemented at the École Polytechnique since 2006. It allows high school students from the Essonne department, from the second to the last year of high school, to discuss their future plans with students from the grandes écoles.
This "cordée", organized by the École polytechnique, brings together students from ENSAE Paris who participate in tutoring sessions (activities and workshops) organized every Wednesday.