News & events

31 Jan. 2023
Roland Rathelot, ENSAE-CREST research professor, awarded with ERC Consolidator Grant!
The European Research Council (ERC) has published the list of winners of the Consolidator grants. Among them, Roland Rathelot, ENSAE-CREST research professor. Congratulations to Roland Rathelot!

30 Jan. 2023
International Day of Women and Girls in Science, February 10, 2023
Hi! PARIS is pleased to announce the organization of a round table on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Beyond "gender balance": Enabling Gender Alchemy in Organizations Event details BEYOND "GENDER BALANCE": ENABLING...

30 Jan. 2023
IP Paris is the most international university in France and 34th in the world – THE
The Institut Polytechnique de Paris has made a considerable progress in the “Most International Universities in the World” 2023 ranking of the Times Higher Education (THE), moving up from 43rd to 34th ahead of MIT and Harvard. It is the only French...

16 Jan. 2023
Best wishes !
ENSAE Paris joins the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and its four other founding member schools - École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis - in wishing you all the best for this new year!

03 Jan. 2023
Thibaud Vergé, appointed vice-president of the French Competition Authority
By decree of the President of the Republic of December 27, 2022, published in the Journal Officiel, Thibaud Vergé is appointed Vice-Chairman of the Autorité de la concurrence and succeeds Emmanuel Combe, whose term of office has expired. He thus becomes a...

16 Jan. 2023
IP Paris Econ Nobel Lecture 2022
The department of Economics of IP Paris is honored to invite you to a Nobel Prize in Economics hybrid lecture, open to all, on the 16th of January 2023 from 12:15pm to 1:45pm to present the contributions of this year's three recipients "for research on...

13 Dec. 2022
ENSAE Paris: in the Top of the best engineering schools in France in the Challenges 2023 ranking
ENSAE Paris is among the 12 best post-prep engineering schools according to Challenges, which unveiled the 2023 rating of diplomas in its special issue of December 8, 2022. Among the top 12 are two other schools from the Paris Polytechnic Institute: École...

14 Dec. 2021
ENSAE Paris ranked 7th engineering school in France according to "Le Figaro" 2023 ranking
Le Figaro Étudiant has just published the 2023 ranking of the best engineering schools. Evaluated according to a list of criteria that take into account academic excellence (research, double degrees, level of graduates, etc.), international influence...

29 Nov. 2022 - 29 Nov. 2022
Hi! PARIS event 29/11 5pm : seminar by Chris Bail
We are delighted to welcome Chris Bail for an exceptional seminar organized by Hi! PARIS Center, entitled “Creating a New Paradigm for Research on Social Media”.

15 Dec. 2022 - 15 Dec. 2022
Webinar : MSc&T Data and Economics for Public Policy
ENSAE Paris and École polytechnique launch a new joint programme, in co-operation with Telecom Paris: the Master of Sciences & Technology "Data and Economics for Public Policy". Pierre Boyer and Franck Melherbet, Program Diectors, will present to you the program, the outlets and the prerequisites needed to apply during the webinar.

22 Nov. 2022
Felix TROPF (research professor CREST-ENSAE), awarded with ERC Starting Grants
The ERC Starting has rewarded 408 scientific talents in Europe this year, including Felix Tropf, research professor CREST-ENSAE, and researchers from Institut Polytechnique de Paris: Fabian Cadiz of the Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory, Adrien Leblanc of the Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée. This funding will allow them to build teams and launch projects in their fields of research.

18 Nov. 2022
IP Paris in the top 80 most powerful universities in the world
In just one year, the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) gained almost 55 seats and enters the Top 80 worldwide (from 126-150 in 2021 to 71-80 in 2022) of the Times Higher Education World Reputation Rankings 2022.