International Women's Day 2024
The theme for 2024: "Investing in Women: Accelerating the Pace"
The International Women's Day originated from women's demonstrations in the early 20th century in Europe and the United States. The demands of these women focused on obtaining better working conditions and the right to vote.
In 1975, during the International Women's Year, the Nations Unies began celebrating International Women's Day on March 8th.
This year, the chosen theme, "Investing in Women: Accelerating the Pace," emphasizes the urgency to take action to address persistent inequalities. Five key areas have been identified:
Investing in Women: A Matter of Human Rights
Ending Poverty
Implementing Gender-Inclusive Financing
Transitioning to a Green Economy and a Care Society
Supporting Agents of Change
Gender Equality Education Quiz
This is a first for ENSAE Paris, and this initiative aims to be a catalyst for change in gender equality. The innovative format of the 8 thematic quizzes is designed to enlighten, stimulate reflection, and encourage a deep understanding of issues related to inclusion and diversity. By focusing on visibility, female representation, and the recognition of women's contributions, this approach leads to critical reflection on gender equality among students.
They participated in 7 quizzes on the role of women in various specialization paths taught by the school, as well as a quiz addressing the professional world as a whole:
- Recognizing the significant contributions of women in various professional sectors.
- Fostering reflection and action for gender equality by emphasizing female representation, diversity, and addressing persistent challenges, particularly in the fields of science, research, and engineering.
CREST is committed to gender equality
Meanwhile, CREST (Center for Research in Economics and Statistics), historically affiliated with ENSAE Paris, has released the latest news Unveiling Gender Inequalities as part of International Women's Day.
This is an opportunity to highlight the active commitment of researchers and doctoral candidates dedicated to understanding and studying gender inequalities.
Léa Pessin, in the field of sociology, has recently delved into gender inequalities in domestic tasks.
Béatrice Cherrier, an associate professor at CREST-CNRS, explores the history of economics, highlighting the contributions of women economists.
Léa Dubreuil, a third-year doctoral student at CREST-GENES-IP Paris, specializes in labor economics and gender inequalities, with a particular focus on women's behavior in the labor market after childbirth.
Federica Meluzzi, a fourth-year doctoral student at CREST-GENES-IP Paris, also works on labor economics and public economics, concentrating on gender differences in the labor market.
Cette actualité souligne l'engagement généralisé des équipes du CREST sur les questions liées au genre. Le Groupe de Discussion sur l'inégalité de Genre, lancé par des doctorant.e.s en économie et sociologie, témoigne de cette implication, rassemblant 26 participante.s dans un cadre de lecture interdisciplinaire.
IP Paris encourages young girls to pursue a scientific path
On the occasion of International Women's Day, the Equal Opportunities Center of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris is organizing an event on Saturday, March 9, 2024, aimed at convincing middle and high school girls to choose a scientific path.
The initiative is carried out in partnership with "Les Entretiens de l'Excellence" association.
The day after International Women's Day, an event dedicated to guiding middle and high school girls in their academic paths took place. A total of 300 young girls from 20 establishments in the Île-de-France academies, the Lille academy, and the Bas-Rhin academy participated in this day.
It provided them with the opportunity to engage in discussions with around fifty professionals and students from the schools on the campus of the Institut Polytechnique. Those aspiring to become engineers had the chance to gather information on the challenges and opportunities of a scientific journey. Among them, approximately 150 are already benefiting from the support of the five schools of IP Paris, integrated within the framework of the national "cordées de la réussite" program, also established by the Equal Opportunities Center.