ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

Econometric Game 2024: The ENSAE Paris team takes on the challenge!

01 May. 2023
Arnault CHATELAIN, Julie DUBOIS, Ines GRABA, and Maël LAOUFI traveled to Amsterdam for the Econometric Game 2024!
Econometric Game 2024: The ENSAE Paris team takes on the challenge!

The Econometric Game is a prestigious event organized by the study association for Actuarial Science, Econometrics & Operational Research (VSAE) of the University of Amsterdam. Each year, the competition brings together around 30 teams of four students (including a maximum of two PhD students) from econometrics, mathematics and data science courses, from a wide range of countries.

Our team was composed of:

They spent two days in an old and magnificent Amsterdam church working on PISA data. The goal was to estimate the benefits of earlier schooling on academic performance, a challenging task that required the application of the Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) method. Completing such work in such a short time was a significant challenge but also a valuable lesson in how quickly preliminary research can be conducted and evaluated to determine if a topic warrants further investigation.

What I enjoyed most about the Econometric Game were the networking opportunities it provided. The participants come from diverse backgrounds and are at various stages of their studies, offering a wide range of perspectives on econometric work. I particularly remember a PhD student working on the integration of non-homothetic preferences, a topic related to my master's thesis, and another participant's keen interest in Russian political economy. It was also my first time in Amsterdam, and I have fond memories of the boat tour on the canals.


The Econometric Game is structured in two phases. During the first two days, all delegations work on the first part of the case study. The third day is reserved for the ten teams selected for the final, who then tackle the most complex part of the case. At the end of this stage, the jury convenes to select the winning team of the edition.

I am very pleased to have had the chance to participate in the Econometric Game 2024. This experience was incredibly enriching, both academically, with a stimulating subject, and personally, thanks to the interactions with international students. I would like to thank the organizers for their warm welcome and impeccable management of the event, ENSAE for providing me with this wonderful opportunity, and of course, Arnault, Julien, and Maël for being amazing teammates!


The event is not limited to the academic competition; it is also a valuable opportunity to network with Master's and PhD students from across Europe and beyond, working on a wide range of topics. For many, it was also an opportunity to discover Amsterdam for the first time.

I loved this experience, both for the excitement of the competition and for the international students we met. For a first time in Amsterdam, it was fantastic! Thank you to ENSAE, the competition organizers, and to Arnault, Inès, and Maël for this adventure.


I thoroughly enjoyed participating in the Econometrics Game. The case we had to tackle provided a stimulating introduction to the extensive literature of education economics. With only 2 days to address a complex issue, we quickly had to get to know each other and work together effectively. Sharing this experience with Julien, Inès, and Maël taught me a lot both personally and interpersonally.


We salute the performance of our students and the dedication they demonstrated throughout this competition. Their determination and ability to overcome complex challenges embody the excellence we strive for at ENSAE Paris.

ENSAE Paris is delighted to offer an annual opportunity for a team to participate in the prestigious Econometric Game. This competition provides a rewarding experience on both academic and personal levels, allowing our students to push their limits and develop valuable skills for their future careers. We look forward to seeing our future teams take on this challenge with the same passion and spirit of innovation.