Foreign languages

Learning English for engineering students
The awarding of the ENSAE diploma for engineering students in statistics and economics is conditional on a good command of the English language. Validation of the B2 level, attested by an external certification, is one of the conditions for graduation. All official certifications are accepted (TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, Linguaskill, etc.). ENSAE allows students to register (once) for free for a Linguaskill session (Cambridge certification). Minimum required score: 170 Linguaskill, 850 TOEIC, 6 IELTS, 90 TOEFL IBT, or equivalent.
In addition, students must attend weekly English classes in order to validate their "Languages and Sports" UE. The courses below B2 level are courses with a very linguistic approach. Courses above B2 have a more thematic approach.
The school participates in the annual English-language debating tournament organized by the French Debating Association. Auditions to join the ENSAE team are organized at the beginning of the year. (Photo: ENSAE 2021-2022 team, with Mrs. WOODS, after their victory at the National Assembly).
In 1A and 2A, English is mandatory for all students. In 3A, English is compulsory for students who do not have a B2 level and optional for the others.
Teaching load: 1h30 / week for students with a level B1.2 or higher; 3h30 for (+ one weekly monitoring session) for students with a level B1.1 or lower.
Attention - For students in the MS Actuarial Science, validation of the B2 level in English is required to become an associate member of the Institut des actuaires.
Other languages
The study of a language other than English is mandatory in 1A and 2A and optional in 3A. Students may choose from the following languages: German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Russian and French as a foreign language (French is mandatory for non-French speaking foreign students).
The levels offered range from absolute beginner to advanced. Not all levels are offered in all languages; at the beginning of the year placement tests are used to determine the groups. A minimum of five students is required to open a course.
Teaching load: 1h30 / week; 2h for "real beginners" (i.e. students who have never studied this language before).
The Guide for foreign languages, which specifies the structure of the courses and the assessment methods, are available on the intranet.