ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

ENSAE & ENS Paris-Saclay

The double degree allows students from the ENS and engineering students from ENSAE Paris to follow a course of study at ENSAE Paris and the ENS respectively, enabling them to obtain a degree from both institutions.
ENSAE & ENS Paris-Saclay
  • The agreement gives students from the Ecole Normale Supérieure access to additional training at ENSAE Paris, which leads to the award of an engineering degree from ENSAE Paris. It concerns all the departments of the ENS.
  • The agreement gives ENSAE Paris students reciprocal access to complementary training at the ENS, which leads to the award of a Master's degree as well as the ENS diploma (in the mathematics, computer science or social science departments).


  • Applications from students from the Ecole Normale Supérieure are sent to ENSAE Paris by the ENS after approval by the directors of the departments concerned. Students who have completed their second year (or exceptionally their third year) of studies at the ENS may apply for direct admission to the second year of ENSAE Paris. They follow the classic ENSAE Paris admission procedure, via the school's admission website. 
  • ENSAE Paris students who are in the second year of the engineering program and who have completed the first year of the engineering program may apply to the ENS, after receiving a favorable opinion from the ENSAE Paris studies department. Applications via the ENS platform follow a calendar proposed each year by the ENS. 

Organization of the curriculum 

  • Students from the Ecole Normale Supérieure are admitted to ENSAE after two (or exceptionally three) years of study at the ENS. Different types of double degree courses are allowed depending on the articulation within the individual curriculum between the engineering cycle, M2 research, semester of academic mobility abroad or long internship abroad. The student from the Ecole Normale Supérieure validates the 2nd year and then the 3rd year at ENSAE Paris. In the standard scheme, the latter is linked to the completion of an M2 research program, which is taken into account for the validation of the ENS diploma, with the agreement of the department to which the student belongs. After the 3rd year at ENSAE Paris, the student obtains the ENSAE Paris engineering degree.
  • ENSAE Paris students admitted to the ENS enter the ENS curriculum at the M1 level. They complete two years of schooling at the ENS in the standard program, at the end of which they obtain a Master's degree and the ENS diploma (if they have met all the requirements), as well as the ENSAE Paris engineering diploma. They may be required to complete a specific year of study depending on their project. They are exempt from the 3rd year of ENSAE Paris. 

Students' curricula take into account the objectives of each student within the framework of the double degree and the constraints of graduation. All students enrolled in the double degree program, whether from ENSAE Paris or ENS, must complete an annual study plan validated by ENS and by the ENSAE Paris Department of Studies.

As far as the student normaliens are concerned, this study plan also sets out their obligations as student civil servants. The ENS will remind these students that they must respect their ten-year commitment.

At the end of the academic year, each of the institutions will transmit to the partner institution the results obtained by the students involved in the double degree.