The double degree allows students from the ENS and engineering students from ENSAE Paris to follow a course of study at ENSAE Paris and the ENS respectively, enabling them to obtain a degree from both institutions.

- The agreement gives students from the Ecole Normale Supérieure access to additional training at ENSAE Paris, leading to the award of an engineering degree from ENSAE Paris. It concerns more specifically the departments of mathematics, computer science, physics and social sciences of the ENS de Lyon.
- The agreement gives ENSAE Paris students reciprocal access to additional training at ENS Lyon in mathematics, computer science, physics or geography. This training leads to the award of a Master's degree as well as the diploma of the ENS de Lyon. It concerns all the engineering students of ENSAE Paris.
- Applications from students from the Ecole Normale Supérieure are sent to ENSAE Paris by the ENS after approval by the directors of the departments concerned and validation by the Vice-Presidency of Studies. Students who have completed their 2nd year or 3rd year of studies at the ENS may apply for direct admission to the 2nd year of ENSAE Paris. They follow the classic ENSAE Paris admission procedure based on qualifications, via the school's admission website.
- Applications from ENSAE Paris students at the end of their second year who have received a favorable opinion from the ENSAE Paris Department of Studies are forwarded by ENSAE Paris to the ENS de Lyon. They are examined by the department concerned, and then the ENS de Lyon admissions committee decides on admission.
Organization of the curriculum
- For candidates admitted after 2 years of schooling at the ENS de Lyon, the 2nd year of ENSAE Paris will take place during the 3rd year at the ENS de Lyon. For candidates admitted after 3 years of schooling at the ENS de Lyon, the 2nd year at ENSAE Paris will take place during the gap year of the ENS de Lyon diploma and during the leave of absence without salary for the normaliens-élèves. In any case, the 3rd year of ENSAE Paris, which includes easy access to several research masters, will be completed during the 4th year of the ENS de Lyon diploma. It will lead to an engineering degree from ENSAE Paris.
- Students from ENSAE Paris are admitted to the 3rd year of the ENS de Lyon diploma. They complete two years of study at the ENS de Lyon. One of the two years is necessarily devoted to the validation of an M2 oriented towards research careers. Depending on the student's situation and plans, this year may be preceded by the validation of an M1, followed by a "Long Research Project" year, or preceded or followed by a "FEADéP" master's year preparing for the agrégation exam.
All students enrolled in the double degree program, whether they come from ENSAE Paris or ENS de Lyon, must complete an annual study plan setting out their program of study for the ENS de Lyon degree for the corresponding academic year. This study plan is validated by the ENS de Lyon's Vice President of Studies. As far as the student normaliens are concerned, this study plan also sets out their obligations in terms of their status as student civil servants.
At the end of the academic year, each of the institutions sends the partner institution the results obtained by the students involved in the double degree.