34th Concours International des Mémoires de l'Économie et de la Finance : Congratulations to Valentin GERMAIN et Boris NOUMEDEM!
01 Jun. 2023

The 34th Concours International des Mémoires de l'Économie et de la Finance, organized by the Centre des Professions Financières and its partners, AFG, Caisse des Dépôts, Covéa and the Institut des actuaires, rewarded two ENSAE graduates at the Awards Ceremony held on June 1 at the Banque de France:
- Valentin GERMAIN (Actuarial Science Specialized Masters® (MS) graduate) - Prix Caisse des Dépôts
- Boris NOUMEDEM (Ingénieur ENSAE program with Actuarial Science specialization graduate graduate ) - Prix Institut des actuaires
Congratulations also to Eya BEN SLAMA (Ingénieur ENSAE program with Actuarial Science specialization graduate and Master Statistics, Finance and Actuarial Science graduate), who was included in the prestigious list of nominees.
Valentin GERMAIN and Boris NOUMEDEM were already winners of the ENSAE's Best actuarial thesis Award - Class of 2021.