Best Actuarial Thesis Award - Class of 2021
03 Oct. 2022 - 03 Sep. 2022
ENSAE Paris has joined forces with ENSAE Alumni to reward two students of the actuarial track class of 2021. This prize is intended to promote the excellence of the work done in actuarial science by ENSAE Paris students as part of their actuary thesis. The Jury has decided to select original works combining both a high scientific rigor and a strong potential of future applications for the whole actuarial community and companies of the insurance sector.

he award ceremony was held at ENSAE Paris on Monday, October 3 at 6:00 p.m., in the presence of Frédéric Loss (Director of Studies at ENSAE Paris), Isabelle Tournassoud (President of the ENSAE Alumni Association), Philippe Talleux (Vice-President of l’Institut des actuaires).
Congratulations to the winners :
- Valentin GERMAIN who wins the Prize for his thesis "Taking into account climate change in the modeling of biometric and financial risks".
- Boris NOUMEDEM who receives the special mention for his thesis "From the community to the individual: Quantifying to understand the impact of actuarial practices on mutualization"
Congratulations also to the three other nominees whose work impressed the jury composed of :
- 3 representatives of the professional world: Isabelle Tournassoud, Norbert Gautron and Franck Le Vallois
- 2 academic professors from ENSAE Paris: Caroline Hillairet and Christian Yann Robert
- 2 members of the scientific commission of the Institute of Actuaries: Anne Emily and Jérôme Vignancour
The nominees :
- Léa DÉROGIS - What is the effect of bond turnover on the solvency ratio of a life insurer?
- Alexandre MORISSE - Application of recurrent neural networks to the estimation of regulatory calculations
- Nicolas RICHARD - Cash flow prediction in reinsurance: short and long term projection for cash requirement and FX risk management