ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

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271 results

Research Masters and PhD tracks

… of excellence that constitutes the engineering cycle, ENSAE Paris offers more academic and disciplinary training, … the proposed disciplinary fields, with a view to research. ENSAE Paris student-engineers have the opportunity to enter … For further information, please contact master@ensae.fr \r\n\r\n   …
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Financing your mobility at ENSAE Paris

… and the competition is international. In December, the ENSAE Paris selects the students it will present to the … For 2019-20, 3 Eiffel scholarships have been awarded for ENSAE Paris: to a student from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), a student from ENSAE Dakar (Senegal) and a student from Tian-jin University …
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Debating 2024: ENSAE Paris reaches the quarter-finals!

… 2024 edition of the jousting tournament in English, the ENSAE Paris team is once again bringing together 1 st and 2 … Raphaël Texier. Anne-Marie Woods, professor of English at ENSAE Paris and the team's coach for the last two victories, … team on the theme "THBT you're your worst enemy", ENSAE Paris successfully took on the ENAC team on the subject …
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Sirine Louati, winner of the Maryam Mirzakhani Junior Prize

… from the Paris-Saclay campus at the highest level. ENSAE Paris is strongly committed to the mathematical … in the Data Science, Statistics and Learning track at ENSAE Paris, as one of the prizewinners. She is also studying … and will be starting a PhD in statistics at CREST-ENSAE under the supervision of Alexandre Tsybakov , a …
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Mira Maamari: I choose ENSAE Paris because of its multidisciplinary approach and its reputation for excellence in mathematics

… distinguishes ENSAE Paris from other … ENSAE Paris is unique due to its status as a specialized … is the added value of the training at ENSAE … have been the most memorable moments at ENSAE … you tell us about your involvement in associations at ENSAE … among our schools. Working with students outside of ENSAE Paris was an incredible opportunity for me, and it …
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Léonard Thélot, 3rd year engineering student

… To help you see more clearly the training offer proposed by ENSAE Paris, students share their experience.  1. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO ENROLL AT ENSAE PARIS? As I have a taste for math, I wanted to join a … the scientific aspect is at the heart of the training. ENSAE was the obvious choice. Furthermore, I chose to follow …
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Maria Alexa, 2nd year engineering student

… To help you see more clearly the training offer proposed by ENSAE Paris, students share their experience.  1. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO ENROLL AT ENSAE PARIS? I chose ENSAE Paris because of its program in statistics and data …
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Aurore Pont, 1st year engineering student

… y voir plus clair dans l’offre de formation proposée par l’ENSAE Paris, les élèves partagent leur expérience.  Pourquoi, à l'époque, avoir choisi d’intégrer l’ENSAE Paris ? J’ai choisi d’intégrer l’ENSAE car je voulais arrêter la physique pour faire plutôt …
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11 February, International Day of Women and Girls in Science

… of the excellent faculty and scientific community of ENSAE Paris, speak out to encourage more women to dare to …
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Debating Tournament : Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II vs ENSAE Paris

… The ENSAE Paris debating team faced that of the University of … \"Experts have the answer\". \r\n\r\n Another victory for ENSAE Paris! Our five students used their talent to achieve … 1993, when Declan Mc Cavana, then an English teacher at ENSAE Paris, Polytechnique and ENA, created the structure. …
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Paola Ricou, 3rd year engineering student

… To help you see more clearly the training offer proposed by ENSAE Paris, students share their experience.  1. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO ENROLL AT ENSAE PARIS? My specialization (Economic Policies and Dynamics) at ENSAE is centered around economics. I chose to do a master's …
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