ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

Data Science, Statistics and Learning

Data Science, Statistics and Learning


The third year of the ENSAE Paris engineering program includes six specialization tracks. Each track has been designed to offer a coherent sequence of courses (advanced theoretical courses, applications, projects, seminars, etc.), preparing students for a major field of work and giving them a broad and in-depth vision of that field. Each of the professions practiced by ENSAEs will call to varying degrees on statistical methods, data science and modeling, which are therefore present within each track.

Learn more about admissions to the engineering program

The "Data science, statistics & learning" track offers fundamental training in statistics, machine learning and more generally in data science and artificial intelligence.

Professors in charge of the track

Alexandre Tsybakov

Vianney Perchet


Using the most appropriate computer tools, this track trains "data scientists" with a very high level of scientific expertise, with openings to the most active application fields (finance, insurance, social sciences and possibly basic skills in biology).

This pedagogical approach, based on a solid theoretical mathematical foundation, ensures a better assimilation of knowledge, a wise use of algorithms, and encourages creativity and innovation.


The "Data science, statistics and learning" track aims to deliver both broad and deep skills in designing statistical models, developing artificial intelligence algorithms, and organizing testing or statistical learning to support decision making in bounded rationality.

The courses oriented towards learning and large-scale statistics lead to jobs as statistical experts in industry (EDF, Air Liquide, Thales, etc.), in companies using large databases (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft), but also in the finance and insurance sectors (AXA, BNP Paris, CFM, etc.) or in technology start-ups

The courses related to statistical surveys lead to jobs as methodologists in survey institutes, in the statistics and research departments of large companies and government agencies, and in consulting firms. Supported by fundamental theoretical courses, this path also leads to research in statistics and machine learning.


The compulsory scientific courses and the optional courses recommended for the track are described below. Each semester, you can choose one modern language (maximum). English is compulsory if your level is lower than B2. The options can be mixed between the different tracks (under time constraints) to create hybrid profiles. It is then recommended to discuss their coherence, as well as the articulation of the choice of courses with a possible M2 followed in parallel, with the Master studies director or/and the person in charge of the tracks.

The courses listed below are for informational purposes only, and are provisional. They correspond to the official curriculum for the 2024-25 academic year.

You can find this curriculum in PDF format on the ENSAE intranet: Scolarité => Troisième année => Près-requis et choix des voies => Schéma_UE_3A_2024_2025 (three documents)

First semester

You can choose from 3 to 7 options (including foreign language) from the entire 3A course catalog, semester 1 (subject to compatibility with your schedule), to reach a total of 30 to 31 ECTS for the semester. We recommend the following courses in this track:

Course ECTS Hours (course+tutorials)
Advanced Econometrics: Panel data and duration models 4 24+0
Nonparametric estimation and testing 4 15+9
Hidden Markov models and Sequential Monte-Carlo Methods 3 18+0
Hi!ckathon 2 0+0
High-dimensional statistics 4 15+9
Advanced Optimisation 4 24+0
Infrastructures and Software Systems 3 18+0

Second semester

You can choose from 4 to 6 options (including foreign language) from the entire 3A course catalog, semester 2 (subject to compatibility with your schedule), to reach a total of 30 to 31 ECTS over the semester. We recommend the following courses in this track:

CourseECTSHours (course+tutorials)  
Bootstrap and Resampling Methods318+0  
Data Storytelling318+0  
Deep Learning: Models and Optimization318+0  
Deployment of Data-Science Projects318+0  
Fairness and Privacy in Machine Learning318+0  
GPU program218+0  
Machine learning for Econometrics424+0  
Online Learning and Aggregation418+6  
Optimal Transport : from Theory to Tweaks, Computations and Applications in Machine Learning312+6  
Parallel Programming for Machine Learning318+0  
Reinforcement learning318+0  
Sampling Methods: From MCMC to Generative Modelling312+6  
Statistics 3424+0  
Statistical Optimal Transport212+6