35th Concours International des Mémoires de l'Économie et de la Finance : Congratulations to Noureddine Oulid Azouz
01 Jun. 2023

The 35th Concours International des Mémoires de l'Économie et de la Finance, organized by the Centre des Professions Financières and its partners, AFG, Caisse des Dépôts, Covéa and the Institut des actuaires, rewarded two ENSAE graduates at the Awards Ceremony held on May 16 at the Banque de France:
- Noureddine Oulid Azouz (Actuarial Science Specialized Masters® (MS) graduate) - Prix AFG presented by Eric Pinon, Honorary President of the AFG. This award was given for his thesis:"Net Zero Investment Portfolios : constructions de portefeuilles d'investissement sous contraintes climatiques".
Photo credit: Centre des Professions Financière
Noureddine Oulid Azouz had previously received a special mention for his thesis at the Prix du meilleur mémoire d'actuariat 2022