QS WUR 2024: IP Paris in the Top 40 of the world's best universities

One of IP Paris' key objectives since its creation in 2019 has been to position itself as a leader in education and research in science and technology. It is therefore keeping up the momentum, and now ranks in the top 3% (+1%) of the world's top 1,500 universities ranked by QS in 2024. In France, the Institute ranks 2nd.
These results reflect the commitment and dedication of its founding schools - École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis. The QS WUR ranking is based on a number of criteria, including academic reputation, citations per faculty, employer reputation, graduates' professional success (employment outcomes), sustainability, faculty student ratio and international outlook (in fact Institut Polytechnique de Paris ranked 34th worldwide and 1st in France in the Times Higher Education (THE) 2023 ranking of the most international universities, ahead of MIT and Harvard).
IP Paris particularly distinguished itself in terms of international outreach and employability, ranking 1st in France.