Graduation ceremony, Class 2022

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On Friday 31 March, parents and friends gathered alongside all the graduates to celebrate their graduation and their professional career.
During this event, the Sponsor awarded two prizes for the best end-of-studies internship, jointly rewarding the student-engineers and the Specialised Masters® students for the quality of the work carried out during these two training courses. Congratulations to the winners:
- Louise Blart, for her thesis « Modéliser le stress au cours d’un jeu vidéo en réalité virtuelle », following her internship at Open Mind Innovation
- Mitia Oberti, for his thesis «Providing Job Seekers with Labor Market Information», following his internship at the Fondation du Risque pour la chaire Sécurisation des Parcours Professionnels
Our thanks and congratulations also go to Paola Ricou and Ethel Cédric Nzati who punctuated the ceremony with their anecdotes and their wishes for their fellow graduates and those of future classes!
The event was also an opportunity for our young graduates to exchange with the employees and alumni of the Confédération Nationale du Crédit Mutuel, to discover more about the jobs and opportunities, thanks to the presence of :
- Florence Deucher, Manager Actuariat Risques Assurances
- Geoffroy Ransac, Modélisateur risque de crédit
- Marta Bescond, Chargée de conduite de projets Ressources Humaines
- and Kaja Jablonska, Responsable recrutement