Best actuarial thesis Award ceremony - Class of 2022
28 Nov. 2023
The ENSAE Paris and ENSAE Alumni have awarded two students from the actuarial track of the 2022 cohort. This prize promotes the excellence of actuarial science projects carried out by ENSAE Paris students as part of their actuarial theses. It has been granted for original and scientifically rigorous work with potential future applications for the actuarial community and companies in the insurance sector.

The Best Actuarial Thesis Award was presented on Tuesday, November 28, 2023, at 6:00 PM at ENSAE Paris. The ceremony took place in the presence of Pierre BISCOURP (Director of ENSAE Paris), Isabelle TOURNASSOUD (President of the ENSAE Alumni association), and Philippe TALLEUX (Vice-president of the Institute of Actuaries).
Congratulations to the laureates:
- Marguerite SAUCÉ, who won the award for her thesis titled "AI and ethics in insurance: a new solution to mitigate proxy discrimination in risk modeling."
- Noureddine OULID AZOUZ, who received a special mention for his thesis on "Net Zero Investment Portfolios."
Also, kudos to the three other nominees whose work impressed the jury composed of:
- Members of the scientific committee of the Institute of Actuaries: Anne EMILY and Jérôme VIGNANCOUR.
- 2 actuarial professionals and teachers at ENSAE Paris: Norbert GAUTRON and Franck LE VALLOIS.
- 1 representative from the professional world and the ENSAE Alumni network: Isabelle TOURNASSOUD.
- 2 academic professors from ENSAE Paris: Caroline HILLAIRET and Olivier LOPEZ.
The three other nominees were:
- Cléa LAOUAR - "Automation of replicating portfolio calibration using genetic algorithms."
- Guillaume SAGAZAN - "Implementation of an inflation model in an economic scenario generator and impact study on a life insurance portfolio."
- Fadi SAHBANI - "Crypto Currency Investments: A risk management approach."