Applied Labor economics
Course Hours:
Tutorials Hours:
Examination Modality:
The objective of this project is to offer an Applied Labor Economics course to second year students of the Master in Economics at ENSAE and Ecole Polytechnique. The new Applied Labour Economics course will allow students to develop their knowledge of labour economics from an empirical perspective and to apply their econometric and data science skills. The module will focus on the use of databases used in the latest studies and research in labour economics. It aims to equip students with skills that are useful for a career as a research manager in the public or private sector, as an economist in an international institution, or for an academic career. The module will cover a range of topics: for example, discrimination, gender issues, labour supply, education and human capital, imperfect labour market information.
In this course, students will :
- apply the methods of data science, econometrics and policy evaluation learned in other courses to relevant labour economics issues
- learn to manipulate large administrative databases of the kind actually used in survey work and modern research.
- learn to work in an IT environment that ensures compliance with legal and ethical obligations regarding indirectly personal and sensitive data.
- deepen their knowledge of labour economics by exploring topics that are particularly active from a research perspective and relevant to public debate and policy.