ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

Business Data Challenge


The Business Data Challenge takes the form of a competition between several groups of students throughout the year. The objective is to respond to a problem formulated by a single company for all the groups. For this, students have data made available by the company and must apply some of ENSAE teachings.

The groups will be guided and helped in their analysis throughout the semester. Employees of the company will continuously answer their questions about customer data and issues. On the other hand, researchers and teachers from the school will advise them on the approach and techniques used to answer the subject.

By realizing this challenge, students will be able to confront the reality of the questions raised in business.


The kick-off meeting will take place in october or november. Students will form groups, learn about the subject and have access to the data.

The challenge will end with a day of defense and the delivery of report and codes. The best group will get a prize. The teaching grade will be proportional to the final ranking and will also take into account the work provided and the quality of the presentation.


Le Challenge 2023-24 est proposé avec Arenametrix.

Le Challenge 2022-23 était en partenariat avec Meilleurtaux.com (cf. https://www.ensae.fr/actualites/business-data-challenge-2022-2023-meilleurtaux-datastorm).

Le Challenge 2021-22 était en partenariat avec Meilleurtaux.com (cf. https://www.ensae.fr/event/ceremonie-prix-business-data-challenge-2021-meilleurtaux/ et vidéo de mi-parcours sur https://ne-np.facebook.com/ENSAE.IPPARIS/videos/a-mi-parcours-du-business-data-challenge-quelques-%C3%A9tudiants-de-lensae-paris-qui-/290823716577485/).

Le Challenge 2020-21 était en partenariat avec Engie est présenté sur la page https://www.ensae.fr/business-data-challenge-cdiscount-defie-les-ensae/.

Le challenge 2019-20 en partenariat avec C-Discount sur la page https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ensae-paris_business-data-challenge-2021-activity-6813796080547840000-eeDY/.