ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

Introduction to macroeconomics


The objective of this course is to present the main facts studied by macroeconomics and the foundations of contemporary economic analysis.
At the end of this course, students will have analyzed the main problems of macroeconomics, concerning cycles and growth, including aspects of economic policy.


Chapter 1: Facts and Definitions

Part 1: The Long-Term Economy
Chapter 2: National Income and the Wage Profit Distribution
Chapter 3: Currency and Inflation
Chapter 4: The Open Economy
Chapter 5: Unemployment

Part 2: The Very Long-Term Economy
Chapter 6: Growth: The Role of Capital Accumulation and Population Growth
Chapter 7: Growth, Education, and Technical Progress

Part 3: Fluctuations and cycles
Chapter 8: Economic Fluctuations and Price Rigidity
Chapter 9: Aggregate demand and short-term macroeconomic equilibrium in a closed economy. ISLM
Chapter 10: Aggregate demand and short-term macroeconomic equilibrium in the open economy. ISLMFE
Chapter 11: From Short to Medium Term: The OGDG Model
Chapter 12: Public Debt and Fiscal Balance