Offer an internship, a work-study program or a job

The skills that an ENSAE will bring you
- Technical engineering skills, in particular the ability to pose problems and model, to quickly appropriate the literature, to use the most appropriate methods, with the hindsight provided by their high-level scientific training, in order to make the most of the data, and to innovate when necessary
- Ability to mobilize these advanced tools in a relevant and structured manner, thanks to their knowledge of the "business" fields of economics, finance, actuarial science, etc., and ability to interact with a variety of people within the projects: computer scientists, executives with a technical or managerial profile
- Ability to evolve thanks to the broad spectrum of skills provided by the school's multidisciplinary training
ENSAE students, whether they are engineering students or students enrolled in specialized master's programs, must validate a professional experience in an internship or a fixed-term contract each year of their curriculum. The internships at ENSAE are :
- In the first year of the engineering cycle: the opening internship, lasting at least 4 weeks between June and August
- In the second year of the engineering cycle: the application internship, lasting at least 10 weeks between June and September
- In the third year of the engineering cycle: the end-of-studies internship, lasting at least 14 weeks between May and September
- In the specialized master's program: the end-of-studies internship, lasting at least 16 weeks between May and September
- The third year internships can be done on a sandwich basis.
The 1st year internship
The objective is to give the students the opportunity to confront the conditions of life at work in order to :
- understand what a company, an administration or an organization is and its environment in order to integrate into it
- understand and analyze professional relations in companies
- No scientific or technical purpose is required.
The 2nd year application internship
The objective of the internship is to put into "application" the applied mathematics and economics lessons of the first and especially the second year. The internship will consist of conducting a scientific study in a professional environment and synthesizing this study. The subject of the internship is subject to an a priori evaluation by the director of studies, who evaluates its scientific content.
A long internship year is possible between the second and third years, dedicated to the operational application of the scientific skills acquired at the school.
Third year: the end-of-studies internship
The objective is to apply the lessons learned in the third year of the engineering cycle or the specialized master's degree and to ensure the transition to the school's professional outlets.
ENSAE Paris offers third-year engineering students who wish to do so the opportunity to follow this final part of their curriculum under a professionalization contract. For administrative reasons, ENSAE's Specialized Masters are not currently eligible for this program. Civil servant trainees (normaliens, polytechniciens, trainee administrators) who are paid by their school are not eligible for this scheme.
The professionalization contract is concluded for one year. Its effective dates must correspond to the training period (October-September).
The organization of the schooling allows for a period of alternating weekly attendance at the school and at the company from the beginning of the school year (October) until the end of the classroom courses (May), then a continuous period of attendance at the company from the end of the courses until the end of the contract. The full-time period in the company is considered to be the end-of-study internship and is therefore part of the training provided: it is essential for obtaining the engineering degree.
For the weekly work-study part of the program, the work-study schedule provides for Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at the school, and Monday and Thursday at the company.
Under the professionalization contract, the company pays the school the "cost of the training" of €7,000, instead of the student, who therefore no longer pays tuition fees.
In order to help students with their career plans and to bring them closer to companies, ENSAE has set up a Career Center run by the company relations and internship department. The purpose of this space is to guide engineering and specialized master's students in their research, to provide them with advice and to develop useful networks.
Through this unique platform, students have access to targeted internship and job offers, announcements of company career events, and a space where companies and their professions are presented (more than 1,200 job videos).