Machine learning in finance: Theoretical foundations
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The aim of this lecture is to:
- introduce some fundamental concepts and modern techniques from machine learning and deep learning, with
- a view towards important and recent applications in finance : this includes advanced techniques in scoring, hedging/pricing of options, calibration of models, deep portfolio optimization, numerical resolution of high-dimensional non-linear partial differential equations arising for instance in stochastic control and portfolio selection, generative modeling, deep reinforcement learning and trading portfolio.
Part I on Wednesday feb. 5, 12, 19, 2025: 9h-10h30, 10h45-12h15
by Jean-David Fermanian
Fundamental concepts from machine learning
- Presentation of the main machine learning algorithms and specificities to financial time series
- Overlearning: penalization, regularization, cross-validation
- False discovery and back-testing
- Presentation of scoring techniques
- Deep learning
- Multi-layer feedforward neural networks, LSTM
- Backpropagation, stochastic gradient for training
- Implementation with TensorFlow
Part II on Wednesday march 5, 12, 29, 26, 2025: 9h-10h30, 10h45-12h15
by Huyên Pham
Foundations and applications in finance
- Gaussian process and financial applications
- Neural networks-based algorithms for high-dimensional problems
- Deep hedging
- Stochastic control: policy and value function learning
- Non linear PDEs in finance: Deep Galerkin, Deep BSDE, Deep backward dynamic programming
3. Deep reinforcement learning and applications
- Q-learning algorithms, Deep Q-learning
- Policy gradient methods, actor-critic algorithms
- Some applications in finance: optimal trading, market making
4. Generative modeling and markets generators
- GANs
- Diffusion models and Schrödinger bridge
- A. Bachouch, C. Huré, N. Langrené, H. Pham : Deep neural networks algorithms for stochastic control problems on finite horizon, part II, numerical applications : Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability.
- D. Bloch : Machine learning : models and algorithms, Quantitative Analytics, 2020.
- H. Buehler, L. Gonon, J. Teichmann, B. Wood : Deep hedging, Quantitative Finance, 19(8), 1271-1291, 2019.
- C. Huré, H. Pham, X. Warin : Deep backward schemes for high-dimensional nonlinear PDEs, Mathematics of Computation. 2020
- M. Hamdouche, P. Henry Labordère, H.Pham: Generative modeling for time series via Schrödinger bridge, 2023
- M. Lopez de Prado : Advances in machine learning, Wiley, 2016.
- M. Germain, H. Pham, X. Warin: Neural networks-based algorithms for stochastic control and PDEs in finance, Machine Learning and Data Sciences for Financial Markets: a guide to contemporary practices, Cambridge University Press, 2023, Editors: Agostino Capponi and Charles-Albert Lehalle
- M. Dixon, I. Halperin, P. Bilokon: Machine learning in Finance, 2020, Springer.