ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

Macroéconomie 1 (EN)


This course introduces the fundamental concepts of macroeconomic models with microeconomic foundations. It addresses two main themes, the theories of growth and the effects of fiscal policy, through continuous-time models with a representative agent or overlapping generations. It pays a particular attention to normative questions concerning the Pareto efficiency of the market equilibrium and the role of economic policies.



Course evaluation : 2/3 final exam + 1/3 (mid-term + attendance & participation).



Main references
Barro, R.J., and Sala-i-Martin, X., 2004, “Economic Growth,” second edition, MIT Press
Heijdra, B.J., and Van der Ploeg, F., 2002, “Foundations of Modern Macroeconomics,” Oxford University Press
Romer, D., 2011, “Advanced Macroeconomics,” fourth edition, McGraw-Hill